🐛(stress-test) fix echo test dialog handling

The initial version of bbb-stress-test was developped and tested with
a BBB instance configured with echo test disabled. As a result, it
does not work on a standard BBB installation.
Matthieu Huguet 4 years ago committed by Matthieu Huguet
parent 40c19a3cc7
commit 603cfdb50d

@ -13,4 +13,8 @@ Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
- `cli.js list-meeting` command to list the meetings running on a BBB instance
- `cli.js stress` command to start a stress test on a BBB server
### Fixed
- handle echo test dialog when microphone is active
[Unreleased]: https://github.com/openfun/bbb-stress-test

@ -13,10 +13,23 @@ const initClient = async (
await page.goto(joinUrl);
const audioAction = microphone ? "Microphone" : "Listen only";
logger.debug(`waiting for audio prompt ([aria-label="${audioAction}"])`);
await page.pdf({ path: "/tmp/test1.pdf" });
await page.waitForSelector(`[aria-label="${audioAction}"]`);
logger.debug(`click on ${audioAction}`);
await page.click(`[aria-label="${audioAction}"]`);
if (microphone) {
logger.debug("waiting for the echo test dialog");
try {
await page.waitForSelector(`[aria-label="Echo is audible"]`);
'echo test dialog detected. clicking on "Echo is audible" button.'
await page.click(`[aria-label="Echo is audible"]`);
} catch (err) {
"unable to detect the echo test dialog. Maybe echo test is disabled."
await page.waitForSelector(".ReactModal__Overlay", { hidden: true });
if (microphone) {
logger.debug("Ensure that we are not muted...");
