#!/usr/bin/env node const { getEnv } = require("./lib/command-helpers"); const yargs = require("yargs"); const listMeetings = require("./lib/commands/list-meetings"); const stress = require("./lib/commands/stress"); const defaultBuilder = (yargs) => yargs; const argv = yargs .command( listMeetings.name, listMeetings.description, listMeetings.options || defaultBuilder, listMeetings.handler ) .command( stress.name, stress.description, stress.options || defaultBuilder, stress.handler ) .option("bbb-url", { alias: "u", type: "string", description: "BBB API url", }) .option("bbb-secret", { alias: "s", type: "string", description: "BBB secret", }) .option("verbose", { alias: "v", type: "boolean", description: "Run with verbose logging", }) .default("bbb-url", getEnv("BBB_URL")) .default("bbb-secret", getEnv("BBB_SECRET")) .demandOption( ["bbb-url", "bbb-secret"], "Please provide bbb-secret and bbb-url options. You can find the values by running bbb-conf --secret on your BBB server" ) .demandCommand(1, "") .strict().argv;