build: Turn redundant path requirements error into a warning

* The change I3bf5f36125167af546dd967464a56d77f2bf3a3a added
  the vendor.lineage.power hidl interface to the exclusion list,
  however the 64 bit library is only generated by 64 bit targets.
  This would trigger the redundant requirements check for targets
  like lineage_arm or lineage_x86.

* There is really no need for this to be an error, so make it
  a warning instead.

Change-Id: I3ddf9cd6a2d8b60dc0df508c2fa14877f0f54356
Alessandro Astone 3 years ago
parent 2f686542ee
commit 1c4c9093dd

@ -1111,14 +1111,24 @@ endef
# $(1): list of files to print
# $(2): heading to print on failure
define maybe-print-list-and-error
$(if $(strip $(1)), \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-warn,$(1),$(2)) \
$(error Build failed) \
# Warns if the given list is non-empty, and prints it entries (stripping PRODUCT_OUT).
# $(1): list of files to print
# $(2): heading to print
define maybe-print-list-and-warn
$(if $(strip $(1)), \
$(warning $(2)) \
$(info Offending entries:) \
$(foreach e,$(sort $(1)),$(info $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(e)))) \
$(error Build failed) \
# Check to ensure that all modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES exist (opt in per product)
@ -1217,7 +1227,7 @@ $(call dist-for-goals,droidcore,$(CERTIFICATE_VIOLATION_MODULES_FILENAME))
$(makefile) produces files outside its artifact path requirement. \
Allowed paths are $(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(addsuffix *,$(requirements)))) \
$(eval unused_allowed := $(filter-out $(files),$(allowed_patterns))) \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(unused_allowed),$(makefile) includes redundant allowed entries in its artifact path requirement.) \
$(call maybe-print-list-and-warn,$(unused_allowed),$(makefile) includes redundant allowed entries in its artifact path requirement.) \
$(eval ### Optionally verify that nothing else produces files inside this artifact path requirement.) \
$(eval extra_files := $(filter-out $(files) $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(product_target_FILES))) \
$(eval files_in_requirement := $(filter $(path_patterns),$(extra_files))) \
