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** Copyright (C) 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "Camera"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <utils/String16.h>
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
#include <binder/IMemory.h>
#include <Camera.h>
#include <ICameraRecordingProxyListener.h>
#include <android/hardware/ICameraService.h>
#include <android/hardware/ICamera.h>
#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
#include <gui/Surface.h>
namespace android {
Camera::Camera(int cameraId)
: CameraBase(cameraId)
CameraTraits<Camera>::TCamConnectService CameraTraits<Camera>::fnConnectService =
// construct a camera client from an existing camera remote
sp<Camera> Camera::create(const sp<::android::hardware::ICamera>& camera)
if (camera == 0) {
ALOGE("camera remote is a NULL pointer");
return 0;
sp<Camera> c = new Camera(-1);
if (camera->connect(c) == NO_ERROR) {
c->mStatus = NO_ERROR;
c->mCamera = camera;
return c;
return 0;
// We don't need to call disconnect() here because if the CameraService
// thinks we are the owner of the hardware, it will hold a (strong)
// reference to us, and we can't possibly be here. We also don't want to
// call disconnect() here if we are in the same process as mediaserver,
// because we may be invoked by CameraService::Client::connect() and will
// deadlock if we call any method of ICamera here.
sp<Camera> Camera::connect(int cameraId, const String16& clientPackageName,
int clientUid, int clientPid)
return CameraBaseT::connect(cameraId, clientPackageName, clientUid, clientPid);
status_t Camera::connectLegacy(int cameraId, int halVersion,
const String16& clientPackageName,
int clientUid,
sp<Camera>& camera)
ALOGV("%s: connect legacy camera device", __FUNCTION__);
sp<Camera> c = new Camera(cameraId);
sp<::android::hardware::ICameraClient> cl = c;
status_t status = NO_ERROR;
const sp<::android::hardware::ICameraService>& cs = CameraBaseT::getCameraService();
binder::Status ret;
if (cs != nullptr) {
ret = cs.get()->connectLegacy(cl, cameraId, halVersion, clientPackageName,
clientUid, /*out*/&(c->mCamera));
if (ret.isOk() && c->mCamera != nullptr) {
c->mStatus = NO_ERROR;
camera = c;
} else {
switch(ret.serviceSpecificErrorCode()) {
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_DISCONNECTED:
status = -ENODEV;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE:
status = -EBUSY;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION:
status = -EINVAL;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE:
status = -EUSERS;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
status = BAD_VALUE;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_DEPRECATED_HAL:
status = -EOPNOTSUPP;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_DISABLED:
status = -EACCES;
case hardware::ICameraService::ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED:
status = -EINVAL;
ALOGW("An error occurred while connecting to camera %d: %s", cameraId,
(cs != nullptr) ? "Service not available" : ret.toString8().string());
return status;
status_t Camera::reconnect()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->connect(this);
status_t Camera::lock()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->lock();
status_t Camera::unlock()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->unlock();
// pass the buffered IGraphicBufferProducer to the camera service
status_t Camera::setPreviewTarget(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer)
ALOGV("setPreviewTarget(%p)", bufferProducer.get());
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
ALOGD_IF(bufferProducer == 0, "app passed NULL surface");
return c->setPreviewTarget(bufferProducer);
status_t Camera::setVideoTarget(const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer)
ALOGV("setVideoTarget(%p)", bufferProducer.get());
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
ALOGD_IF(bufferProducer == 0, "app passed NULL video surface");
return c->setVideoTarget(bufferProducer);
// start preview mode
status_t Camera::startPreview()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->startPreview();
status_t Camera::setVideoBufferMode(int32_t videoBufferMode)
ALOGV("setVideoBufferMode: %d", videoBufferMode);
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->setVideoBufferMode(videoBufferMode);
// start recording mode, must call setPreviewTarget first
status_t Camera::startRecording()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->startRecording();
// stop preview mode
void Camera::stopPreview()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
// stop recording mode
void Camera::stopRecording()
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
// release a recording frame
void Camera::releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& mem)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
void Camera::releaseRecordingFrameHandle(native_handle_t* handle)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
void Camera::releaseRecordingFrameHandleBatch(
const std::vector<native_handle_t*> handles) {
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
// get preview state
bool Camera::previewEnabled()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return false;
return c->previewEnabled();
// get recording state
bool Camera::recordingEnabled()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return false;
return c->recordingEnabled();
status_t Camera::autoFocus()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->autoFocus();
status_t Camera::cancelAutoFocus()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->cancelAutoFocus();
// take a picture
status_t Camera::takePicture(int msgType)
ALOGV("takePicture: 0x%x", msgType);
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->takePicture(msgType);
// set preview/capture parameters - key/value pairs
status_t Camera::setParameters(const String8& params)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->setParameters(params);
// get preview/capture parameters - key/value pairs
String8 Camera::getParameters() const
String8 params;
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c != 0) params = mCamera->getParameters();
return params;
// send command to camera driver
status_t Camera::sendCommand(int32_t cmd, int32_t arg1, int32_t arg2)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->sendCommand(cmd, arg1, arg2);
void Camera::setListener(const sp<CameraListener>& listener)
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
mListener = listener;
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
void Camera::setRecordingProxyListener(const sp<ICameraRecordingProxyListener>& listener)
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
mRecordingProxyListener = listener;
void Camera::setPreviewCallbackFlags(int flag)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return;
status_t Camera::setPreviewCallbackTarget(
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& callbackProducer)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->setPreviewCallbackTarget(callbackProducer);
status_t Camera::setAudioRestriction(int32_t mode)
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->setAudioRestriction(mode);
int32_t Camera::getGlobalAudioRestriction()
sp <::android::hardware::ICamera> c = mCamera;
if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;
return c->getGlobalAudioRestriction();
// callback from camera service
void Camera::notifyCallback(int32_t msgType, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2)
return CameraBaseT::notifyCallback(msgType, ext1, ext2);
// callback from camera service when frame or image is ready
void Camera::dataCallback(int32_t msgType, const sp<IMemory>& dataPtr,
camera_frame_metadata_t *metadata)
sp<CameraListener> listener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
listener = mListener;
if (listener != NULL) {
listener->postData(msgType, dataPtr, metadata);
// callback from camera service when timestamped frame is ready
void Camera::dataCallbackTimestamp(nsecs_t timestamp, int32_t msgType, const sp<IMemory>& dataPtr)
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
// If recording proxy listener is registered, forward the frame and return.
// The other listener (mListener) is ignored because the receiver needs to
// call releaseRecordingFrame.
sp<ICameraRecordingProxyListener> proxylistener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
proxylistener = mRecordingProxyListener;
if (proxylistener != NULL) {
proxylistener->dataCallbackTimestamp(timestamp, msgType, dataPtr);
sp<CameraListener> listener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
listener = mListener;
if (listener != NULL) {
listener->postDataTimestamp(timestamp, msgType, dataPtr);
} else {
ALOGW("No listener was set. Drop a recording frame.");
void Camera::recordingFrameHandleCallbackTimestamp(nsecs_t timestamp, native_handle_t* handle)
// If recording proxy listener is registered, forward the frame and return.
// The other listener (mListener) is ignored because the receiver needs to
// call releaseRecordingFrameHandle.
sp<ICameraRecordingProxyListener> proxylistener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
proxylistener = mRecordingProxyListener;
if (proxylistener != NULL) {
proxylistener->recordingFrameHandleCallbackTimestamp(timestamp, handle);
sp<CameraListener> listener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
listener = mListener;
if (listener != NULL) {
listener->postRecordingFrameHandleTimestamp(timestamp, handle);
} else {
ALOGW("No listener was set. Drop a recording frame.");
void Camera::recordingFrameHandleCallbackTimestampBatch(
const std::vector<nsecs_t>& timestamps,
const std::vector<native_handle_t*>& handles)
// If recording proxy listener is registered, forward the frame and return.
// The other listener (mListener) is ignored because the receiver needs to
// call releaseRecordingFrameHandle.
sp<ICameraRecordingProxyListener> proxylistener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
proxylistener = mRecordingProxyListener;
if (proxylistener != NULL) {
proxylistener->recordingFrameHandleCallbackTimestampBatch(timestamps, handles);
sp<CameraListener> listener;
Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
listener = mListener;
if (listener != NULL) {
listener->postRecordingFrameHandleTimestampBatch(timestamps, handles);
} else {
ALOGW("No listener was set. Drop a batch of recording frames.");
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
sp<ICameraRecordingProxy> Camera::getRecordingProxy() {
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
return new RecordingProxy(this);
status_t Camera::RecordingProxy::startRecording(const sp<ICameraRecordingProxyListener>& listener)
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
return mCamera->startRecording();
void Camera::RecordingProxy::stopRecording()
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
void Camera::RecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame(const sp<IMemory>& mem)
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
void Camera::RecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrameHandle(native_handle_t* handle) {
void Camera::RecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrameHandleBatch(
const std::vector<native_handle_t*>& handles) {
Add framework support for camcorder zoom. The purpose of ICameraRecordingProxy and ICameraRecordingProxyListener is to allow applications using the camera during recording. Camera service allows only one client at a time. Since camcorder application needs to own the camera to do things like zoom, the media recorder cannot access the camera directly during recording. So ICameraRecordingProxy is a proxy of ICamera, which allows the media recorder to start/stop the recording and release recording frames. ICameraRecordingProxyListener is an interface that allows the recorder to receive video frames during recording. ICameraRecordingProxy startRecording() stopRecording() releaseRecordingFrame() ICameraRecordingProxyListener dataCallbackTimestamp() The camcorder app opens the camera and starts the preview. The app passes ICamera and ICameraRecordingProxy to the media recorder by MediaRecorder::setCamera(). The recorder uses ICamera to setup the camera in MediaRecorder::start(). After setup, the recorder disconnects from camera service. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::startRecording() and passes a ICameraRecordingProxyListener to the app. The app connects back to camera service and starts the recording. The app owns the camera and can do things like zoom. The media recorder receives the video frames from the listener and releases them by ICameraRecordingProxy::releaseRecordingFrame. The recorder calls ICameraRecordingProxy::stopRecording() to stop the recording. The call sequences are as follows: 1. The app: Camera.unlock(). 2. The app: MediaRecorder.setCamera(). 3. Start recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.start(). (2) The recorder: ICamera.unlock() and ICamera.disconnect(). (3) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.startRecording(). (4) The app: ICamera.reconnect(). (5) The app: ICamera.startRecording(). 4. During recording (1) The recorder: receive frames from ICameraRecordingProxyListener.dataCallbackTimestamp() (2) The recorder: release frames by ICameraRecordingProxy.releaseRecordingFrame(). 5. Stop recording (1) The app: MediaRecorder.stop() (2) The recorder: ICameraRecordingProxy.stopRecording(). (3) The app: ICamera.stopRecording(). bug:2644213 Change-Id: I15269397defc25cbbcae16abc071c8349c123122
13 years ago
Camera::RecordingProxy::RecordingProxy(const sp<Camera>& camera)
mCamera = camera;
}; // namespace android