Merge "Camera: add QCIF resolution exception" into pi-dev

am: b94a3d3e54

Change-Id: I53511f3350360c8b75aaa7c3f481235beadb09b9
Yin-Chia Yeh 5 years ago committed by android-build-merger
commit 0e5a1b3bb6

@ -657,6 +657,14 @@ camera_status_t ACaptureSessionOutputContainer_remove(
* target combinations with sizes outside of these guarantees, but this can only be tested for
* by attempting to create a session with such targets.</p>
* <p>Exception on 176x144 (QCIF) resolution:
* Camera devices usually have a fixed capability for downscaling from larger resolution to
* smaller, and the QCIF resolution sometimes cannot be fully supported due to this
* limitation on devices with high-resolution image sensors. Therefore, trying to configure a
* QCIF resolution stream together with any other stream larger than 1920x1080 resolution
* (either width or height) might not be supported, and capture session creation will fail if it
* is not.</p>
* @param device the camera device of interest.
* @param outputs the {@link ACaptureSessionOutputContainer} describes all output streams.
* @param callbacks the {@link ACameraCaptureSession_stateCallbacks capture session state callbacks}.

@ -3197,6 +3197,12 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_tag {
* IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED | same as YUV_420_888 | Any |</p>
* mandatory stream configurations on a per-capability basis.</p>
* <p>Exception on 176x144 (QCIF) resolution: camera devices usually have a fixed capability for
* downscaling from larger resolution to smaller, and the QCIF resolution sometimes is not
* fully supported due to this limitation on devices with high-resolution image sensors.
* Therefore, trying to configure a QCIF resolution stream together with any other
* stream larger than 1920x1080 resolution (either width or height) might not be supported,
* and capture session creation will fail if it is not.</p>
@ -5306,7 +5312,7 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_tag {
* <li><code>LEVEL_3</code> devices additionally support YUV reprocessing and RAW image capture, along
* with additional output stream configurations.</li>
* <li><code>EXTERNAL</code> devices are similar to <code>LIMITED</code> devices with exceptions like some sensor or
* lens information not reorted or less stable framerates.</li>
* lens information not reported or less stable framerates.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>See the individual level enums for full descriptions of the supported capabilities. The
* ACAMERA_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES entry describes the device's capabilities at a
