Update repo hooks for media mainline repos

Change to the R branches; guidance to users when they need to override.
separate the list-of-files for partial repo (frameworks/av) from the script.
Also updates the configuration specific to frameworks/av as a repo split
between mainline/non.

Bug: 157501573
Test: various combinations of repo upload
Change-Id: I726f218c562ea151b4f76ded0903c68400a2f3fd
Ray Essick 4 years ago
parent bf74c089dc
commit 1ca2522e52

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# mainline files for frameworks/av
# ignore comment (#) lines and blank lines
# rest are path prefixes starting at root of the project
# (so OWNERS, not frameworks/av/OWNERS)
# path
# INCLUDE path
# EXCLUDE path
# 'path' and 'INCLUDE path' are identical -- they both indicate that this path
# is part of mainline
# EXCLUDE indicates that this is not part of mainline,
# so 'foo/' and 'EXCLUDE foo/nope'
# means everything under foo/ is part of mainline EXCEPT foo/nope.
# INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/INCLUDE nested structuring is not supported
# matching is purely prefix
# so 'foo' will match 'foo', 'foo.c', 'foo/bar/baz'
# if you want to exclude a directory, best to use a pattern like "foo/"

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
#set -x
# used for projects where some files are mainline, some are not
# we get a list of the files/directories out of the project's root.
# invocation $0 ${repo_root} ${preupload_files}
# Example PREUPLOAD.cfg:
# [Hook Scripts]
# mainline_hook = ${REPO_ROOT}/frameworks/av/tools/mainline_hook_partial.sh ${REPO_ROOT} ${PREUPLOAD_FILES}
# MainlineFiles.cfg syntax:
# ignore comment (#) lines and blank lines
# rest are path prefixes starting at root of the project
# (so OWNERS, not frameworks/av/OWNERS)
# path
# INCLUDE path
# EXCLUDE path
# 'path' and 'INCLUDE path' are identical -- they both indicate that this path
# is part of mainline
# EXCLUDE indicates that this is not part of mainline,
# so 'foo/' and 'EXCLUDE foo/nope'
# means everything under foo/ is part of mainline EXCEPT foo/nope.
# INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/INCLUDE nested structuring is not supported
# matching is purely prefix
# so 'foo' will match 'foo', 'foo.c', 'foo/bar/baz'
# if you want to exclude a directory, best to use a pattern like "foo/"
## tunables:
REPO_ROOT=$1; shift
# the rest of the command line is the file list
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0)
## get the active branch:
## * <localbranch> <shainfo> [goog/master] Fix to handle missing checks on error returned
## strip this down to "master"
current=`git branch -vv | grep -P "^\*[^\[]+\[goog/"|sed -e 's/^.*\[//' | sed -e 's/:.*$//'| sed -e 's/^goog\///'`
if [ "${current}" = "" ] ; then
## figure out whether which files are for mainline and which are not
if [ "${PREUPLOAD_FILES}" = "" ] ; then
# empty files? what's up there, i suppose we'll let that go
exit 0
## get the list of files out of the project's root
## figure out which way I'm going ..
## use list of files to scan PREUPLOAD_FILES
## use PREUPLOAD_FILES to scan the list of good/bad from the project root
## remember to do an exclude, so I can say
## include/these/files/
## EXCLUDE include/these/files/nested/
## and it should all be prefix based stuff...
if [ ! -f ${REPO_ROOT}/${REPO_PATH}/${filelist_file} ] ; then
echo "Poorly Configured project, missing ${filelist_file} in root of project"
exit 1
# is 1st arg a prefix of 2nd arg
beginswith() { case $2 in "$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }
while read p1 p2
# ignore comment lines in the file
# ignore empty lines in the file
if beginswith "#" "${p1}" ; then
# ignore this line
elif [ -z "${p1}" ] ; then
# ignore blanks
elif [ ${p1} = "EXCLUDE" ] ; then
# add to the exclusion list
if [ ! -z ${p2} ] ; then
exlusions="${exclusions} ${p2}"
elif [ ${p1} = "INCLUDE" ] ; then
# add to the inclusion list
if [ ! -z ${p2} ] ; then
inclusions="${inclusions} ${p2}"
elif [ ! -z ${p1} ] ; then
inclusions="${inclusions} ${p1}"
done < ${REPO_ROOT}/${REPO_PATH}/${filelist_file}
# so we can play with array syntax
#INCLUSIONS=( ${inclusions} )
#EXCLUSIONS=( ${exclusions} )
# is it part of the list of mainline files/directories?
for path in ${PREUPLOAD_FILES} ; do
#echo is ${path} a mainline file...
for aprefix in ${inclusions} .. ; do
#echo compare against ${aprefix} ...
if [ "${aprefix}" = ".." ] ; then
mainline_no="${mainline_no} ${path}"
elif beginswith ${aprefix} ${path} ; then
mainline_yes="${mainline_yes} ${path}"
break # on to next uploaded file
# TODO: audit the yes list to see if some should be moved to the no list
# 3 situations
# -- everything is on mainline (mainline_yes non-empty, other empty)
# -- some is mainline, some is not (files_* both non-empty)
# -- none is mainline (mainline_yes empty, other non_empty
# -- both empty only happens if PREUPLOAD_FILES is empty, covered above
if [ -z "${mainline_yes}" ] ; then
# no mainline files, everything else is non-mainline, let it go
exit 0
if [ ! -z "${mainline_no}" ] ; then
# mixed bag, suggest (not insist) that developer split them.
cat - <<EOF
This CL contains files contains both mainline and non-mainline files. Consider separating
them into separate CLs. It may also be appropriate to update the list of mainline
files in ${RED}${REPO_ROOT}/${filelist_file}${NORMAL}.
echo "===== Mainline files ====="
echo -e ${RED}
echo ${mainline_yes} | sed -e 's/ / /g'
echo -e ${NORMAL}
echo "===== Non-Mainline files ====="
echo -e ${RED}
echo ${mainline_no} | sed -e 's/ / /g'
echo -e ${NORMAL}
if [ "${current}" != "${DEV_BRANCH}" ] ; then
# Change is not in the desired mainline dev branch
#echo -e "${RED}"
cat - <<EOF
You are uploading repo ${RED}${REPO_PATH}${NORMAL} to branch ${RED}${current}${NORMAL}.
The source of truth for ${RED}${REPO_PATH}${NORMAL} is branch ${RED}${DEV_BRANCH}${NORMAL}.
Please upload this change to branch ${RED}${DEV_BRANCH}${NORMAL} unless one or more of
the following apply:
- this is a security bug prohibited from disclosure before the next dessert release.
(moderate security bugs fall into this category).
- this is new functionality prohibitied from disclosure before the next dessert release.
#echo -e "${NORMAL}"
## since stdout is buffered in a way that complicates the below, we're just going
## to tell the user what they can do to get around this check instead of asking them
## as part of this run of the command.
if [ ${result} != 0 ] ; then
cat - <<EOF
If you are sure you want to proceed uploading to branch ${RED}${current}${NORMAL},
re-run your repo upload command with the '--no-verify' option
exit ${result}

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#set -x
# called for repo projects that are part of the media mainline modules
# this is for projects where the entire project is part of mainline.
# we have a separate script for projects where only part of that project gets
# pulled into mainline.
# if the project's PREUPLOAD.cfg points to this script, it is by definition a project
# which is entirely within mainline.
# example PREUPLOAD.cfg using this script
# [Hook Scripts]
# mainline_hook = ${REPO_ROOT}/frameworks/av/tools/mainline_hook_project.sh
# tunables
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0)
## check the active branch:
## * b131183694 d198c6a [goog/master] Fix to handle missing checks on error returned
current=`git branch -vv | grep -P "^\*[^\[]+\[goog/"|sed -e 's/^.*\[//' | sed -e 's/:.*$//'| sed -e 's/^goog\///'`
if [ "${current}" = "" ] ; then
if [ "${current}" = "${DEV_BRANCH}" ] ; then
# Change appears to be in mainline dev branch
exit 0
## warn the user that about not being on the typical/desired branch.
cat - <<EOF
You are uploading repo ${RED}${REPO_PATH}${NORMAL} to branch ${RED}${current}${NORMAL}.
The source of truth for ${RED}${REPO_PATH}${NORMAL} is branch ${RED}${DEV_BRANCH}${NORMAL}.
Please upload this change to branch ${RED}${DEV_BRANCH}${NORMAL} unless one or more of
the following apply:
- this is a security bug prohibited from disclosure before the next dessert release.
(moderate security bugs fall into this category).
- this is new functionality prohibitied from disclosure before the next dessert release.
## TODO: prompt the user y/n to continue right now instead of re-invoking with no-verify
## this has to get around how repo buffers stdout from this script such that the output
## is not flushed before we try to read the input.
cat - <<EOF
If you are sure you want to proceed uploading to branch ${RED}${current}${NORMAL},
re-run your repo upload command with the '--no-verify' option
exit 1