Merge "AudioPolicy: fix volume curve query for min/max index" into pi-dev

am: 6c23e5b1df

Change-Id: Ie9533d5bfc5d8e22a9edc0a5e376420e30f95196
Jean-Michel Trivi 6 years ago committed by android-build-merger
commit 37bca533cc

@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ float VolumeCurve::volIndexToDb(int indexInUi, int volIndexMin, int volIndexMax)
size_t nbCurvePoints = mCurvePoints.size();
// the volume index in the UI is relative to the min and max volume indices for this stream
int nbSteps = 1 + mCurvePoints[nbCurvePoints - 1].mIndex - mCurvePoints[0].mIndex;
if (indexInUi < volIndexMin) {
ALOGV("VOLUME remapping index from %d to min index %d", indexInUi, volIndexMin);
indexInUi = volIndexMin;
} else if (indexInUi > volIndexMax) {
ALOGV("VOLUME remapping index from %d to max index %d", indexInUi, volIndexMax);
indexInUi = volIndexMax;
int volIdx = (nbSteps * (indexInUi - volIndexMin)) / (volIndexMax - volIndexMin);
// Where would this volume index been inserted in the curve point
