Add AudioPortFoundation, AudioPortBase and AudioPortConfigBase.

The purpose of this change is to make a generic AudioPort class that
could be used by vendor.
1. Add AudioPortFoundation and AudioPortBase. AudioPortFoundation
contains generic members of an audio port. AudioPortBase is a template
class that derives from AudioPortFoundation. It takes audio profile
vector as a template parameters. That makes it more feasible to use
customized audio profile stuff as needed. In audio policy, AudioPort
derives from AudioPortBase and contain policy related stuff.
2. Add AudioPortConfigBase. AudioPortConfigBase contains generic members
of an audio port config. AudioPortConfig derives from AudioPortConfigBase
and contains policy related stuff.
3. Use std::string instead of String8 in AudioPort and AudioPortConfig.

Bug: 135621476
Test: CTS for AudioRecord, AudioTrack, AudioManager, RoutingTest
Test: audiopolicy_tests, AudioServiceHostTest
audio smoke test
Test: dumpsys media.audio_policy
Change-Id: I05611b7067c18006660de2c678acd56bdd34010a
jiabin 5 years ago
parent ea87a0ce07
commit 5740f08a85

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ cc_library_shared {
srcs: [

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <media/AudioPortBase.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
namespace android {
void AudioPortFoundation::toAudioPort(struct audio_port *port) const {
// TODO: update this function once audio_port structure reflects the new profile definition.
// For compatibility reason: flatening the AudioProfile into audio_port structure.
FormatSet flatenedFormats;
SampleRateSet flatenedRates;
ChannelMaskSet flatenedChannels;
for (const auto& profile : *getAudioProfileVectorBase()) {
if (profile->isValid()) {
audio_format_t formatToExport = profile->getFormat();
const SampleRateSet &ratesToExport = profile->getSampleRates();
const ChannelMaskSet &channelsToExport = profile->getChannels();
flatenedRates.insert(ratesToExport.begin(), ratesToExport.end());
flatenedChannels.insert(channelsToExport.begin(), channelsToExport.end());
if (flatenedRates.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_SAMPLING_RATES ||
flatenedChannels.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_CHANNEL_MASKS ||
flatenedFormats.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_FORMATS) {
ALOGE("%s: bailing out: cannot export profiles to port config", __func__);
port->role = mRole;
port->type = mType;
strlcpy(port->name, mName.c_str(), AUDIO_PORT_MAX_NAME_LEN);
port->num_sample_rates = flatenedRates.size();
port->num_channel_masks = flatenedChannels.size();
port->num_formats = flatenedFormats.size();
std::copy(flatenedRates.begin(), flatenedRates.end(), port->sample_rates);
std::copy(flatenedChannels.begin(), flatenedChannels.end(), port->channel_masks);
std::copy(flatenedFormats.begin(), flatenedFormats.end(), port->formats);
ALOGV("AudioPort::toAudioPort() num gains %zu", mGains.size());
port->num_gains = std::min(mGains.size(), (size_t) AUDIO_PORT_MAX_GAINS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < port->num_gains; i++) {
port->gains[i] = mGains[i]->getGain();
void AudioPortFoundation::dump(std::string *dst, int spaces, bool verbose) const {
if (!mName.empty()) {
dst->append(base::StringPrintf("%*s- name: %s\n", spaces, "", mName.c_str()));
if (verbose) {
std::string profilesStr;
getAudioProfileVectorBase()->dump(&profilesStr, spaces);
if (mGains.size() != 0) {
dst->append(base::StringPrintf("%*s- gains:\n", spaces, ""));
for (size_t i = 0; i < mGains.size(); i++) {
std::string gainStr;
mGains[i]->dump(&gainStr, spaces + 2, i);

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -13,113 +13,57 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if 0
#pragma once
#include "AudioCollections.h"
#include "AudioProfile.h"
#include "HandleGenerator.h"
#include <string>
#include <media/AudioGain.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <media/AudioProfile.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <system/audio.h>
#include <cutils/config_utils.h>
namespace android {
class HwModule;
class AudioRoute;
class AudioPort : public virtual RefBase, private HandleGenerator<audio_port_handle_t>
class AudioPortFoundation : public virtual RefBase
AudioPort(const String8& name, audio_port_type_t type, audio_port_role_t role) :
mName(name), mType(type), mRole(role), mFlags(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE) {}
AudioPortFoundation(const std::string& name, audio_port_type_t type, audio_port_role_t role) :
mName(name), mType(type), mRole(role) {}
virtual ~AudioPort() {}
virtual ~AudioPortFoundation() = default;
void setName(const String8 &name) { mName = name; }
const String8 &getName() const { return mName; }
void setName(const std::string &name) { mName = name; }
const std::string &getName() const { return mName; }
audio_port_type_t getType() const { return mType; }
audio_port_role_t getRole() const { return mRole; }
virtual const String8 getTagName() const = 0;
virtual const std::string getTagName() const = 0;
void setGains(const AudioGains &gains) { mGains = gains; }
const AudioGains &getGains() const { return mGains; }
virtual void setFlags(uint32_t flags)
//force direct flag if offload flag is set: offloading implies a direct output stream
// and all common behaviors are driven by checking only the direct flag
// this should normally be set appropriately in the policy configuration file
mFlags = flags;
uint32_t getFlags() const { return mFlags; }
virtual void attach(const sp<HwModule>& module);
virtual void detach();
bool isAttached() { return mModule != 0; }
// Audio port IDs are in a different namespace than AudioFlinger unique IDs
static audio_port_handle_t getNextUniqueId();
virtual void toAudioPort(struct audio_port *port) const;
virtual void importAudioPort(const sp<AudioPort>& port, bool force = false);
void addAudioProfile(const sp<AudioProfile> &profile) { mProfiles.add(profile); }
void setAudioProfiles(const AudioProfileVector &profiles) { mProfiles = profiles; }
AudioProfileVector &getAudioProfiles() { return mProfiles; }
bool hasValidAudioProfile() const { return mProfiles.hasValidProfile(); }
bool hasDynamicAudioProfile() const { return mProfiles.hasDynamicProfile(); }
// searches for an exact match
virtual status_t checkExactAudioProfile(const struct audio_port_config *config) const;
// searches for a compatible match, currently implemented for input
// parameters are input|output, returned value is the best match.
status_t checkCompatibleAudioProfile(uint32_t &samplingRate,
audio_channel_mask_t &channelMask,
audio_format_t &format) const
return mProfiles.checkCompatibleProfile(samplingRate, channelMask, format, mType, mRole);
virtual AudioProfileVectorBase* getAudioProfileVectorBase() const = 0;
virtual void addAudioProfile(const sp<AudioProfile> &profile) {
virtual void clearAudioProfiles() {
void clearAudioProfiles() { return mProfiles.clearProfiles(); }
status_t checkGain(const struct audio_gain_config *gainConfig, int index) const;
void pickAudioProfile(uint32_t &samplingRate,
audio_channel_mask_t &channelMask,
audio_format_t &format) const;
static const audio_format_t sPcmFormatCompareTable[];
static int compareFormats(audio_format_t format1, audio_format_t format2);
// Used to select an audio HAL output stream with a sample format providing the
// less degradation for a given AudioTrack sample format.
static bool isBetterFormatMatch(audio_format_t newFormat,
audio_format_t currentFormat,
audio_format_t targetFormat);
static uint32_t formatDistance(audio_format_t format1,
audio_format_t format2);
static const uint32_t kFormatDistanceMax = 4;
bool hasValidAudioProfile() const { return getAudioProfileVectorBase()->hasValidProfile(); }
audio_module_handle_t getModuleHandle() const;
uint32_t getModuleVersionMajor() const;
const char *getModuleName() const;
sp<HwModule> getModule() const { return mModule; }
status_t checkGain(const struct audio_gain_config *gainConfig, int index) const {
if (index < 0 || (size_t)index >= mGains.size()) {
return BAD_VALUE;
return mGains[index]->checkConfig(gainConfig);
bool useInputChannelMask() const
@ -127,55 +71,60 @@ public:
inline bool isDirectOutput() const
return (mType == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX) && (mRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) &&
void dump(std::string *dst, int spaces, bool verbose = true) const;
void addRoute(const sp<AudioRoute> &route) { mRoutes.add(route); }
const AudioRouteVector &getRoutes() const { return mRoutes; }
AudioGains mGains; // gain controllers
std::string mName;
audio_port_type_t mType;
audio_port_role_t mRole;
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, bool verbose = true) const;
template <typename ProfileVector,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<
AudioProfileVectorBase, ProfileVector>::value>::type>
class AudioPortBase : public AudioPortFoundation
AudioPortBase(const std::string& name, audio_port_type_t type, audio_port_role_t role) :
AudioPortFoundation(name, type, role) {}
void log(const char* indent) const;
virtual ~AudioPortBase() {}
AudioGains mGains; // gain controllers
AudioProfileVectorBase* getAudioProfileVectorBase() const override {
return static_cast<AudioProfileVectorBase*>(const_cast<ProfileVector*>(&mProfiles));
void pickChannelMask(audio_channel_mask_t &channelMask,
const ChannelMaskSet &channelMasks) const;
void pickSamplingRate(uint32_t &rate, const SampleRateSet &samplingRates) const;
void addAudioProfile(const sp<AudioProfile> &profile) override { mProfiles.add(profile); }
void clearAudioProfiles() override { return mProfiles.clearProfiles(); }
sp<HwModule> mModule; // audio HW module exposing this I/O stream
String8 mName;
audio_port_type_t mType;
audio_port_role_t mRole;
uint32_t mFlags; // attribute flags mask (e.g primary output, direct output...).
AudioProfileVector mProfiles; // AudioProfiles supported by this port (format, Rates, Channels)
AudioRouteVector mRoutes; // Routes involving this port
void setAudioProfiles(const ProfileVector &profiles) { mProfiles = profiles; }
ProfileVector &getAudioProfiles() { return mProfiles; }
ProfileVector mProfiles; // AudioProfiles supported by this port (format, Rates, Channels)
class AudioPortConfig : public virtual RefBase
class AudioPortConfigBase : public virtual RefBase
status_t applyAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config,
struct audio_port_config *backupConfig = NULL);
virtual ~AudioPortConfigBase() = default;
virtual status_t applyAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config,
struct audio_port_config *backupConfig = NULL) = 0;
virtual void toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig,
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const = 0;
virtual sp<AudioPort> getAudioPort() const = 0;
virtual bool hasSameHwModuleAs(const sp<AudioPortConfig>& other) const {
return (other != 0) && (other->getAudioPort() != 0) && (getAudioPort() != 0) &&
(other->getAudioPort()->getModuleHandle() == getAudioPort()->getModuleHandle());
bool hasGainController(bool canUseForVolume = false) const;
unsigned int getSamplingRate() const { return mSamplingRate; }
audio_format_t getFormat() const { return mFormat; }
audio_channel_mask_t getChannelMask() const { return mChannelMask; }
unsigned int mSamplingRate = 0u;
audio_format_t mFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID;
audio_channel_mask_t mChannelMask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE;
struct audio_gain_config mGain = { .index = -1 };
union audio_io_flags mFlags = { AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_NONE };
} // namespace android

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class AudioRoute;
class AudioPortVector : public Vector<sp<AudioPort> >
sp<AudioPort> findByTagName(const String8 &tagName) const;
sp<AudioPort> findByTagName(const std::string &tagName) const;

@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ public:
sp<OutputProfile> outProfile = new OutputProfile(String8("primary"));
sp<OutputProfile> outProfile = new OutputProfile("primary");
sp<InputProfile> inProfile = new InputProfile(String8("primary"));
sp<InputProfile> inProfile = new InputProfile("primary");

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "AudioProfileVector.h"
#include "HandleGenerator.h"
#include <media/AudioGain.h>
#include <media/AudioPortBase.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
@ -32,25 +33,15 @@ namespace android {
class HwModule;
class AudioRoute;
class AudioPort : public virtual RefBase, private HandleGenerator<audio_port_handle_t>
class AudioPort : public virtual RefBase, public AudioPortBase<AudioProfileVector>,
private HandleGenerator<audio_port_handle_t>
AudioPort(const String8& name, audio_port_type_t type, audio_port_role_t role) :
mName(name), mType(type), mRole(role), mFlags(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE) {}
AudioPort(const std::string& name, audio_port_type_t type, audio_port_role_t role) :
AudioPortBase(name, type, role), mFlags(AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE) {}
virtual ~AudioPort() {}
void setName(const String8 &name) { mName = name; }
const String8 &getName() const { return mName; }
audio_port_type_t getType() const { return mType; }
audio_port_role_t getRole() const { return mRole; }
virtual const String8 getTagName() const = 0;
void setGains(const AudioGains &gains) { mGains = gains; }
const AudioGains &getGains() const { return mGains; }
virtual void setFlags(uint32_t flags)
//force direct flag if offload flag is set: offloading implies a direct output stream
@ -70,18 +61,9 @@ public:
// Audio port IDs are in a different namespace than AudioFlinger unique IDs
static audio_port_handle_t getNextUniqueId();
virtual void toAudioPort(struct audio_port *port) const;
virtual void importAudioPort(const sp<AudioPort>& port, bool force = false);
void addAudioProfile(const sp<AudioProfile> &profile) { mProfiles.add(profile); }
void setAudioProfiles(const AudioProfileVector &profiles) { mProfiles = profiles; }
AudioProfileVector &getAudioProfiles() { return mProfiles; }
bool hasValidAudioProfile() const { return mProfiles.hasValidProfile(); }
bool hasDynamicAudioProfile() const { return mProfiles.hasDynamicProfile(); }
bool hasDynamicAudioProfile() const { return getAudioProfileVectorBase()->hasDynamicProfile(); }
// searches for an exact match
virtual status_t checkExactAudioProfile(const struct audio_port_config *config) const;
@ -95,10 +77,6 @@ public:
return mProfiles.checkCompatibleProfile(samplingRate, channelMask, format, mType, mRole);
void clearAudioProfiles() { return mProfiles.clearProfiles(); }
status_t checkGain(const struct audio_gain_config *gainConfig, int index) const;
void pickAudioProfile(uint32_t &samplingRate,
audio_channel_mask_t &channelMask,
audio_format_t &format) const;
@ -121,12 +99,6 @@ public:
const char *getModuleName() const;
sp<HwModule> getModule() const { return mModule; }
bool useInputChannelMask() const
return ((mType == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE) && (mRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE)) ||
inline bool isDirectOutput() const
return (mType == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX) && (mRole == AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) &&
@ -136,44 +108,36 @@ public:
void addRoute(const sp<AudioRoute> &route) { mRoutes.add(route); }
const AudioRouteVector &getRoutes() const { return mRoutes; }
void dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, bool verbose = true) const;
void log(const char* indent) const;
AudioGains mGains; // gain controllers
void pickChannelMask(audio_channel_mask_t &channelMask,
const ChannelMaskSet &channelMasks) const;
void pickSamplingRate(uint32_t &rate, const SampleRateSet &samplingRates) const;
sp<HwModule> mModule; // audio HW module exposing this I/O stream
String8 mName;
audio_port_type_t mType;
audio_port_role_t mRole;
uint32_t mFlags; // attribute flags mask (e.g primary output, direct output...).
AudioProfileVector mProfiles; // AudioProfiles supported by this port (format, Rates, Channels)
sp<HwModule> mModule; // audio HW module exposing this I/O stream
AudioRouteVector mRoutes; // Routes involving this port
class AudioPortConfig : public virtual RefBase
class AudioPortConfig : public AudioPortConfigBase
status_t applyAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config,
struct audio_port_config *backupConfig = NULL);
struct audio_port_config *backupConfig = NULL) override;
virtual void toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig,
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const = 0;
const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig = NULL) const override;
virtual sp<AudioPort> getAudioPort() const = 0;
virtual bool hasSameHwModuleAs(const sp<AudioPortConfig>& other) const {
return (other != 0) && (other->getAudioPort() != 0) && (getAudioPort() != 0) &&
(other->getAudioPort()->getModuleHandle() == getAudioPort()->getModuleHandle());
bool hasGainController(bool canUseForVolume = false) const;
unsigned int mSamplingRate = 0u;
audio_format_t mFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID;
audio_channel_mask_t mChannelMask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE;
struct audio_gain_config mGain = { .index = -1 };
union audio_io_flags mFlags = { AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_NONE };

@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ class DeviceDescriptor : public AudioPort, public AudioPortConfig
// Note that empty name refers by convention to a generic device.
explicit DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const String8 &tagName = String8(""));
explicit DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const std::string &tagName = "");
DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const FormatVector &encodedFormats,
const String8 &tagName = String8(""));
const std::string &tagName = "");
virtual ~DeviceDescriptor() {}
virtual const String8 getTagName() const { return mTagName; }
virtual const std::string getTagName() const { return mTagName; }
audio_devices_t type() const { return mDeviceType; }
String8 address() const { return mAddress; }
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public:
String8 mAddress{""};
String8 mTagName; // Unique human readable identifier for a device port found in conf file.
std::string mTagName; // Unique human readable identifier for a device port found in conf file.
audio_devices_t mDeviceType;
FormatVector mEncodedFormats;
audio_port_handle_t mId = AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE;
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public:
* equal to AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE, it also returns a nullptr.
sp<DeviceDescriptor> getDeviceFromId(audio_port_handle_t id) const;
sp<DeviceDescriptor> getDeviceFromTagName(const String8 &tagName) const;
sp<DeviceDescriptor> getDeviceFromTagName(const std::string &tagName) const;
DeviceVector getDevicesFromHwModule(audio_module_handle_t moduleHandle) const;
audio_devices_t getDeviceTypesFromHwModule(audio_module_handle_t moduleHandle) const;

@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ public:
status_t addInputProfile(const sp<IOProfile> &profile);
status_t addProfile(const sp<IOProfile> &profile);
status_t addOutputProfile(const String8& name, const audio_config_t *config,
status_t addOutputProfile(const std::string& name, const audio_config_t *config,
audio_devices_t device, const String8& address);
status_t removeOutputProfile(const String8& name);
status_t addInputProfile(const String8& name, const audio_config_t *config,
status_t removeOutputProfile(const std::string& name);
status_t addInputProfile(const std::string& name, const audio_config_t *config,
audio_devices_t device, const String8& address);
status_t removeInputProfile(const String8& name);
status_t removeInputProfile(const std::string& name);
audio_module_handle_t getHandle() const { return mHandle; }
void setHandle(audio_module_handle_t handle);
sp<AudioPort> findPortByTagName(const String8 &tagName) const
sp<AudioPort> findPortByTagName(const std::string &tagName) const
return mPorts.findByTagName(tagName);

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class HwModule;
class IOProfile : public AudioPort
IOProfile(const String8 &name, audio_port_role_t role)
IOProfile(const std::string &name, audio_port_role_t role)
: AudioPort(name, AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX, role),
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
curActiveCount(0) {}
// For a Profile aka MixPort, tag name and name are equivalent.
virtual const String8 getTagName() const { return getName(); }
virtual const std::string getTagName() const { return getName(); }
// FIXME: this is needed because shared MMAP stream clients use the same audio session.
// Once capture clients are tracked individually and not per session this can be removed
@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ private:
class InputProfile : public IOProfile
explicit InputProfile(const String8 &name) : IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK) {}
explicit InputProfile(const std::string &name) : IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK) {}
class OutputProfile : public IOProfile
explicit OutputProfile(const String8 &name) : IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) {}
explicit OutputProfile(const std::string &name) : IOProfile(name, AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE) {}
} // namespace android

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
namespace android {
sp<AudioPort> AudioPortVector::findByTagName(const String8 &tagName) const
sp<AudioPort> AudioPortVector::findByTagName(const std::string &tagName) const
for (const auto& port : *this) {
if (port->getTagName() == tagName) {

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ AudioInputDescriptor::AudioInputDescriptor(const sp<IOProfile>& profile,
if (profile != NULL) {
profile->pickAudioProfile(mSamplingRate, mChannelMask, mFormat);
if (profile->mGains.size() > 0) {
if (profile->getGains().size() > 0) {
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ status_t AudioInputDescriptor::open(const audio_config_t *config,
mDevice = device;
ALOGV("opening input for device %s profile %p name %s",
mDevice->toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().string());
mDevice->toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().c_str());
audio_devices_t deviceType = mDevice->type();

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ AudioOutputDescriptor::AudioOutputDescriptor(const sp<AudioPort>& port,
if (mPort.get() != nullptr) {
mPort->pickAudioProfile(mSamplingRate, mChannelMask, mFormat);
if (mPort->mGains.size() > 0) {
if (mPort->getGains().size() > 0) {
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ status_t SwAudioOutputDescriptor::open(const audio_config_t *config,
mFlags = (audio_output_flags_t)(mFlags | flags);
ALOGV("opening output for device %s profile %p name %s",
mDevices.toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().string());
mDevices.toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().c_str());
status_t status = mClientInterface->openOutput(mProfile->getModuleHandle(),

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace android {
// --- AudioPort class implementation
void AudioPort::attach(const sp<HwModule>& module)
ALOGV("%s: attaching module %s to port %s", __FUNCTION__, getModuleName(), mName.string());
ALOGV("%s: attaching module %s to port %s", __FUNCTION__, getModuleName(), mName.c_str());
mModule = module;
@ -60,49 +60,6 @@ const char *AudioPort::getModuleName() const
return mModule != 0 ? mModule->getName() : "invalid module";
void AudioPort::toAudioPort(struct audio_port *port) const
// TODO: update this function once audio_port structure reflects the new profile definition.
// For compatibility reason: flatening the AudioProfile into audio_port structure.
FormatSet flatenedFormats;
SampleRateSet flatenedRates;
ChannelMaskSet flatenedChannels;
for (const auto& profile : mProfiles) {
if (profile->isValid()) {
audio_format_t formatToExport = profile->getFormat();
const SampleRateSet &ratesToExport = profile->getSampleRates();
const ChannelMaskSet &channelsToExport = profile->getChannels();
flatenedRates.insert(ratesToExport.begin(), ratesToExport.end());
flatenedChannels.insert(channelsToExport.begin(), channelsToExport.end());
if (flatenedRates.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_SAMPLING_RATES ||
flatenedChannels.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_CHANNEL_MASKS ||
flatenedFormats.size() > AUDIO_PORT_MAX_FORMATS) {
ALOGE("%s: bailing out: cannot export profiles to port config", __FUNCTION__);
port->role = mRole;
port->type = mType;
strlcpy(port->name, mName, AUDIO_PORT_MAX_NAME_LEN);
port->num_sample_rates = flatenedRates.size();
port->num_channel_masks = flatenedChannels.size();
port->num_formats = flatenedFormats.size();
std::copy(flatenedRates.begin(), flatenedRates.end(), port->sample_rates);
std::copy(flatenedChannels.begin(), flatenedChannels.end(), port->channel_masks);
std::copy(flatenedFormats.begin(), flatenedFormats.end(), port->formats);
ALOGV("AudioPort::toAudioPort() num gains %zu", mGains.size());
port->num_gains = std::min(mGains.size(), (size_t) AUDIO_PORT_MAX_GAINS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < port->num_gains; i++) {
port->gains[i] = mGains[i]->getGain();
void AudioPort::importAudioPort(const sp<AudioPort>& port, bool force __unused)
for (const auto& profileToImport : port->mProfiles) {
@ -324,42 +281,13 @@ void AudioPort::pickAudioProfile(uint32_t &samplingRate,
ALOGV("%s Port[nm:%s] profile rate=%d, format=%d, channels=%d", __FUNCTION__, mName.string(),
ALOGV("%s Port[nm:%s] profile rate=%d, format=%d, channels=%d", __FUNCTION__, mName.c_str(),
samplingRate, channelMask, format);
status_t AudioPort::checkGain(const struct audio_gain_config *gainConfig, int index) const
if (index < 0 || (size_t)index >= mGains.size()) {
return BAD_VALUE;
return mGains[index]->checkConfig(gainConfig);
void AudioPort::dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, bool verbose) const
if (!mName.isEmpty()) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- name: %s\n", spaces, "", mName.string());
if (verbose) {
std::string profilesStr;
mProfiles.dump(&profilesStr, spaces);
if (mGains.size() != 0) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- gains:\n", spaces, "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < mGains.size(); i++) {
std::string gainStr;
mGains[i]->dump(&gainStr, spaces + 2, i);
void AudioPort::log(const char* indent) const
ALOGI("%s Port[nm:%s, type:%d, role:%d]", indent, mName.string(), mType, mRole);
ALOGI("%s Port[nm:%s, type:%d, role:%d]", indent, mName.c_str(), mType, mRole);
// --- AudioPortConfig class implementation

@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ namespace android
void AudioRoute::dump(String8 *dst, int spaces) const
dst->appendFormat("%*s- Type: %s\n", spaces, "", mType == AUDIO_ROUTE_MUX ? "Mux" : "Mix");
dst->appendFormat("%*s- Sink: %s\n", spaces, "", mSink->getTagName().string());
dst->appendFormat("%*s- Sink: %s\n", spaces, "", mSink->getTagName().c_str());
if (mSources.size() != 0) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- Sources: \n", spaces, "");
for (size_t i = 0; i < mSources.size(); i++) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s%s \n", spaces + 4, "", mSources[i]->getTagName().string());
dst->appendFormat("%*s%s \n", spaces + 4, "", mSources[i]->getTagName().c_str());
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ bool AudioRoute::supportsPatch(const sp<AudioPort> &srcPort, const sp<AudioPort>
if (mSink == 0 || dstPort == 0 || dstPort != mSink) {
return false;
ALOGV("%s: sinks %s matching", __FUNCTION__, mSink->getTagName().string());
ALOGV("%s: sinks %s matching", __FUNCTION__, mSink->getTagName().c_str());
for (const auto &sourcePort : mSources) {
if (sourcePort == srcPort) {
ALOGV("%s: sources %s matching", __FUNCTION__, sourcePort->getTagName().string());
ALOGV("%s: sources %s matching", __FUNCTION__, sourcePort->getTagName().c_str());
return true;

@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
namespace android {
DeviceDescriptor::DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const String8 &tagName) :
DeviceDescriptor::DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const std::string &tagName) :
DeviceDescriptor(type, FormatVector{}, tagName)
DeviceDescriptor::DeviceDescriptor(audio_devices_t type, const FormatVector &encodedFormats,
const String8 &tagName) :
AudioPort(String8(""), AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE,
const std::string &tagName) :
audio_is_output_device(type) ? AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK :
mTagName(tagName), mDeviceType(type), mEncodedFormats(encodedFormats)
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ DeviceVector DeviceVector::getDevicesFromTypeMask(audio_devices_t type) const
return devices;
sp<DeviceDescriptor> DeviceVector::getDeviceFromTagName(const String8 &tagName) const
sp<DeviceDescriptor> DeviceVector::getDeviceFromTagName(const std::string &tagName) const
for (const auto& device : *this) {
if (device->getTagName() == tagName) {
@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ void DeviceDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, int index, bool verbose) c
if (mId != 0) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- id: %2d\n", spaces, "", mId);
if (!mTagName.isEmpty()) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- tag name: %s\n", spaces, "", mTagName.string());
if (!mTagName.empty()) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- tag name: %s\n", spaces, "", mTagName.c_str());
dst->appendFormat("%*s- type: %-48s\n", spaces, "", ::android::toString(mDeviceType).c_str());
@ -383,7 +383,9 @@ void DeviceDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst, int spaces, int index, bool verbose) c
if (mAddress.size() != 0) {
dst->appendFormat("%*s- address: %-32s\n", spaces, "", mAddress.string());
AudioPort::dump(dst, spaces, verbose);
std::string portStr;
AudioPort::dump(&portStr, spaces, verbose);
std::string DeviceDescriptor::toString() const

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ HwModule::~HwModule()
status_t HwModule::addOutputProfile(const String8& name, const audio_config_t *config,
status_t HwModule::addOutputProfile(const std::string& name, const audio_config_t *config,
audio_devices_t device, const String8& address)
sp<IOProfile> profile = new OutputProfile(name);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void HwModule::setProfiles(const IOProfileCollection &profiles)
status_t HwModule::removeOutputProfile(const String8& name)
status_t HwModule::removeOutputProfile(const std::string& name)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mOutputProfiles.size(); i++) {
if (mOutputProfiles[i]->getName() == name) {
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ status_t HwModule::removeOutputProfile(const String8& name)
return NO_ERROR;
status_t HwModule::addInputProfile(const String8& name, const audio_config_t *config,
status_t HwModule::addInputProfile(const std::string& name, const audio_config_t *config,
audio_devices_t device, const String8& address)
sp<IOProfile> profile = new InputProfile(name);
@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ status_t HwModule::addInputProfile(const String8& name, const audio_config_t *co
ALOGV("addInputProfile() name %s rate %d mask 0x%08x",
name.string(), config->sample_rate, config->channel_mask);
name.c_str(), config->sample_rate, config->channel_mask);
return addInputProfile(profile);
status_t HwModule::removeInputProfile(const String8& name)
status_t HwModule::removeInputProfile(const std::string& name)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mInputProfiles.size(); i++) {
if (mInputProfiles[i]->getName() == name) {
@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ void HwModule::refreshSupportedDevices()
DeviceVector sourceDevicesForRoute = getRouteSourceDevices(route);
if (sourceDevicesForRoute.isEmpty()) {
ALOGE("%s: invalid source devices for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().string());
ALOGE("%s: invalid source devices for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().c_str());
if (sourceDevices.isEmpty()) {
ALOGE("%s: invalid source devices for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().string());
ALOGE("%s: invalid source devices for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().c_str());
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void HwModule::refreshSupportedDevices()
sp<DeviceDescriptor> sinkDevice = getRouteSinkDevice(route);
if (sinkDevice == 0) {
ALOGE("%s: invalid sink device for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().string());
ALOGE("%s: invalid sink device for %s", __FUNCTION__, stream->getName().c_str());
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ sp<DeviceDescriptor> HwModuleCollection::getDeviceDescriptor(const audio_devices
if (allowToCreate) {
return moduleDevice;
@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ sp<DeviceDescriptor> HwModuleCollection::createDevice(const audio_devices_t type
return nullptr;
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = new DeviceDescriptor(type, String8(name));
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = new DeviceDescriptor(type, name);

@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ bool IOProfile::isCompatibleProfile(const DeviceVector &devices,
void IOProfile::dump(String8 *dst) const
AudioPort::dump(dst, 4);
std::string portStr;
AudioPort::dump(&portStr, 4);
dst->appendFormat(" - flags: 0x%04x", getFlags());
std::string flagsLiteral;

@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Return<MixPortTraits::Element> MixPortTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *child,
audio_port_role_t portRole = (role == Attributes::roleSource) ?
Element mixPort = new IOProfile(String8(name.c_str()), portRole);
Element mixPort = new IOProfile(name, portRole);
AudioProfileTraits::Collection profiles;
status_t status = deserializeCollection<AudioProfileTraits>(child, &profiles, NULL);
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ Return<DevicePortTraits::Element> DevicePortTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *c
if (!encodedFormatsLiteral.empty()) {
encodedFormats = formatsFromString(encodedFormatsLiteral, " ");
Element deviceDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(type, encodedFormats, String8(name.c_str()));
Element deviceDesc = new DeviceDescriptor(type, encodedFormats, name);
std::string address = getXmlAttribute(cur, Attributes::address);
if (!address.empty()) {
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Return<DevicePortTraits::Element> DevicePortTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *c
return Status::fromStatusT(status);
ALOGV("%s: adding device tag %s type %08x address %s", __func__,
deviceDesc->getName().string(), type, deviceDesc->address().string());
deviceDesc->getName().c_str(), type, deviceDesc->address().string());
return deviceDesc;
@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ Return<RouteTraits::Element> RouteTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSer
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
// Convert Sink name to port pointer
sp<AudioPort> sink = ctx->findPortByTagName(String8(sinkAttr.c_str()));
sp<AudioPort> sink = ctx->findPortByTagName(sinkAttr);
if (sink == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: no sink found with name=%s", __func__, sinkAttr.c_str());
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ Return<RouteTraits::Element> RouteTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrSer
char *devTag = strtok(sourcesLiteral.get(), ",");
while (devTag != NULL) {
if (strlen(devTag) != 0) {
sp<AudioPort> source = ctx->findPortByTagName(String8(devTag));
sp<AudioPort> source = ctx->findPortByTagName(devTag);
if (source == NULL) {
ALOGE("%s: no source found with name=%s", __func__, devTag);
return Status::fromStatusT(BAD_VALUE);
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ Return<ModuleTraits::Element> ModuleTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrS
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, childAttachedDeviceTag,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(attachedDevice.get()));
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = module->getDeclaredDevices().
getDeviceFromTagName(String8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
getDeviceFromTagName(std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ Return<ModuleTraits::Element> ModuleTraits::deserialize(const xmlNode *cur, PtrS
ALOGV("%s: %s %s=%s", __func__, tag, childDefaultOutputDeviceTag,
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(defaultOutputDevice.get()));
sp<DeviceDescriptor> device = module->getDeclaredDevices().getDeviceFromTagName(
String8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(defaultOutputDevice.get())));
std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(defaultOutputDevice.get())));
if (device != 0 && ctx->getDefaultOutputDevice() == 0) {
ALOGV("%s: default is %08x",

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ DeviceVector Engine::getDevicesForStrategyInt(legacy_strategy strategy,
// compressed format as they would likely not be mixed and dropped.
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {
sp<AudioOutputDescriptor> desc = outputs.valueAt(i);
if (desc->isActive() && !audio_is_linear_pcm(desc->mFormat)) {
if (desc->isActive() && !audio_is_linear_pcm(desc->getFormat())) {

@ -1205,9 +1205,9 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::getOutputForDevices(
if (!desc->isDuplicated() && (profile == desc->mProfile)) {
// reuse direct output if currently open by the same client
// and configured with same parameters
if ((config->sample_rate == desc->mSamplingRate) &&
(config->format == desc->mFormat) &&
(channelMask == desc->mChannelMask) &&
if ((config->sample_rate == desc->getSamplingRate()) &&
(config->format == desc->getFormat()) &&
(channelMask == desc->getChannelMask()) &&
(session == desc->mDirectClientSession)) {
ALOGI("%s reusing direct output %d for session %d", __func__,
@ -1247,13 +1247,13 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::getOutputForDevices(
// only accept an output with the requested parameters
if (status != NO_ERROR ||
(config->sample_rate != 0 && config->sample_rate != outputDesc->mSamplingRate) ||
(config->format != AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT && config->format != outputDesc->mFormat) ||
(channelMask != 0 && channelMask != outputDesc->mChannelMask)) {
(config->sample_rate != 0 && config->sample_rate != outputDesc->getSamplingRate()) ||
(config->format != AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT && config->format != outputDesc->getFormat()) ||
(channelMask != 0 && channelMask != outputDesc->getChannelMask())) {
ALOGV("%s failed opening direct output: output %d sample rate %d %d,"
"format %d %d, channel mask %04x %04x", __func__, output, config->sample_rate,
outputDesc->mSamplingRate, config->format, outputDesc->mFormat,
channelMask, outputDesc->mChannelMask);
outputDesc->getSamplingRate(), config->format, outputDesc->getFormat(),
channelMask, outputDesc->getChannelMask());
if (output != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) {
@ -1524,13 +1524,13 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::selectOutput(const SortedVector<audio_io_h
// If haptic channel is specified, use the haptic output if present.
// When using haptic output, same audio format and sample rate are required.
const uint32_t outputHapticChannelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(
outputDesc->mChannelMask & AUDIO_CHANNEL_HAPTIC_ALL);
outputDesc->getChannelMask() & AUDIO_CHANNEL_HAPTIC_ALL);
if ((hapticChannelCount == 0) != (outputHapticChannelCount == 0)) {
if (outputHapticChannelCount >= hapticChannelCount
&& format == outputDesc->mFormat
&& samplingRate == outputDesc->mSamplingRate) {
&& format == outputDesc->getFormat()
&& samplingRate == outputDesc->getSamplingRate()) {
currentMatchCriteria[0] = outputHapticChannelCount;
@ -1538,12 +1538,13 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::selectOutput(const SortedVector<audio_io_h
currentMatchCriteria[1] = popcount(outputDesc->mFlags & functionalFlags);
// channel mask and channel count match
uint32_t outputChannelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(outputDesc->mChannelMask);
uint32_t outputChannelCount = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(
if (channelMask != AUDIO_CHANNEL_NONE && channelCount > 2 &&
channelCount <= outputChannelCount) {
if ((audio_channel_mask_get_representation(channelMask) ==
audio_channel_mask_get_representation(outputDesc->mChannelMask)) &&
((channelMask & outputDesc->mChannelMask) == channelMask)) {
audio_channel_mask_get_representation(outputDesc->getChannelMask())) &&
((channelMask & outputDesc->getChannelMask()) == channelMask)) {
currentMatchCriteria[2] = outputChannelCount;
currentMatchCriteria[3] = outputChannelCount;
@ -1551,8 +1552,8 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::selectOutput(const SortedVector<audio_io_h
// sampling rate match
if (samplingRate > SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_DEFAULT &&
samplingRate <= outputDesc->mSamplingRate) {
currentMatchCriteria[4] = outputDesc->mSamplingRate;
samplingRate <= outputDesc->getSamplingRate()) {
currentMatchCriteria[4] = outputDesc->getSamplingRate();
// performance flags match
@ -1562,7 +1563,7 @@ audio_io_handle_t AudioPolicyManager::selectOutput(const SortedVector<audio_io_h
if (format != AUDIO_FORMAT_INVALID) {
currentMatchCriteria[6] =
AudioPort::kFormatDistanceMax -
AudioPort::formatDistance(format, outputDesc->mFormat);
AudioPort::formatDistance(format, outputDesc->getFormat());
// primary output match
@ -2921,9 +2922,9 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::registerPolicyMixes(const Vector<AudioMix>& mixes)
// stereo and let audio flinger do the channel conversion if needed.
outputConfig.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
inputConfig.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
rSubmixModule->addOutputProfile(address, &outputConfig,
rSubmixModule->addOutputProfile(address.c_str(), &outputConfig,
rSubmixModule->addInputProfile(address, &inputConfig,
rSubmixModule->addInputProfile(address.c_str(), &inputConfig,
if ((res = setDeviceConnectionStateInt(deviceTypeToMakeAvailable,
@ -3019,8 +3020,8 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::unregisterPolicyMixes(Vector<AudioMix> mixes)
} else if ((mix.mRouteFlags & MIX_ROUTE_FLAG_RENDER) == MIX_ROUTE_FLAG_RENDER) {
if (mPolicyMixes.unregisterMix(mix) != NO_ERROR) {
@ -3232,7 +3233,7 @@ bool AudioPolicyManager::isDirectOutputSupported(const audio_config_base_t& conf
ALOGV("%s() profile %sfound with name: %s, "
"sample rate: %u, format: 0x%x, channel_mask: 0x%x, output flags: 0x%x",
__FUNCTION__, profile != 0 ? "" : "NOT ",
(profile != 0 ? profile->getTagName().string() : "null"),
(profile != 0 ? profile->getTagName().c_str() : "null"),
config.sample_rate, config.format, config.channel_mask, output_flags);
return (profile != 0);
@ -3896,7 +3897,7 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::connectAudioSource(const sp<SourceClientDescriptor>
if (srcDevice->hasSameHwModuleAs(sinkDevice) &&
srcDevice->getModuleVersionMajor() >= 3 &&
sinkDevice->getModule()->supportsPatch(srcDevice, sinkDevice) &&
srcDevice->getAudioPort()->mGains.size() > 0) {
srcDevice->getAudioPort()->getGains().size() > 0) {
ALOGV("%s Device to Device route supported by >=3.0 HAL", __FUNCTION__);
// TODO: may explicitly specify whether we should use HW or SW patch
// create patch between src device and output device
@ -4136,7 +4137,7 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::setSurroundFormatEnabled(audio_format_t audioFormat
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdmiOutputDevices.size(); i++) {
// Simulate reconnection to update enabled surround sound formats.
String8 address = hdmiOutputDevices[i]->address();
String8 name = hdmiOutputDevices[i]->getName();
std::string name = hdmiOutputDevices[i]->getName();
status_t status = setDeviceConnectionStateInt(AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_HDMI,
@ -4158,7 +4159,7 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::setSurroundFormatEnabled(audio_format_t audioFormat
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdmiInputDevices.size(); i++) {
// Simulate reconnection to update enabled surround sound formats.
String8 address = hdmiInputDevices[i]->address();
String8 name = hdmiInputDevices[i]->getName();
std::string name = hdmiInputDevices[i]->getName();
status_t status = setDeviceConnectionStateInt(AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_HDMI,
@ -4641,7 +4642,7 @@ status_t AudioPolicyManager::checkOutputsForDevice(const sp<DeviceDescriptor>& d
ALOGV("opening output for device %08x with params %s profile %p name %s",
deviceType, address.string(), profile.get(), profile->getName().string());
deviceType, address.string(), profile.get(), profile->getName().c_str());
desc = new SwAudioOutputDescriptor(profile, mpClientInterface);
audio_io_handle_t output = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
status_t status = desc->open(nullptr, DeviceVector(device),

@ -317,12 +317,11 @@ void AudioPolicyManagerTestMsd::SetUpConfig(AudioPolicyConfig *config) {
sp<OutputProfile> msdOutputProfile = new OutputProfile(String8("msd input"));
sp<OutputProfile> msdOutputProfile = new OutputProfile("msd input");
sp<OutputProfile> msdCompressedOutputProfile =
new OutputProfile(String8("msd compressed input"));
sp<OutputProfile> msdCompressedOutputProfile = new OutputProfile("msd compressed input");
@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ void AudioPolicyManagerTestMsd::SetUpConfig(AudioPolicyConfig *config) {
sp<InputProfile> msdInputProfile = new InputProfile(String8("msd output"));
sp<InputProfile> msdInputProfile = new InputProfile("msd output");
@ -340,7 +339,7 @@ void AudioPolicyManagerTestMsd::SetUpConfig(AudioPolicyConfig *config) {
sp<AudioProfile> dtsOutputProfile = new AudioProfile(
sp<OutputProfile> primaryEncodedOutputProfile = new OutputProfile(String8("encoded"));
sp<OutputProfile> primaryEncodedOutputProfile = new OutputProfile("encoded");
