Merge "Camera: Clarify manual capture behavior for logical camera" into qt-dev am: 2655a0d0fc

am: 4fea62f7a0

Change-Id: I0b8aadad96630b4104961c294b3dc74b2195a308
Shuzhen Wang 5 years ago committed by android-build-merger
commit 5a5881d89d

@ -7689,14 +7689,14 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_enum_acamera_request_available_capabilities {
* case, when the application configures a RAW stream, the camera device will make sure
* the active physical camera will remain active to ensure consistent RAW output
* behavior, and not switch to other physical cameras.</p>
* <p>To maintain backward compatibility, the capture request and result metadata tags
* required for basic camera functionalities will be solely based on the
* logical camera capabiltity. Other request and result metadata tags, on the other
* hand, will be based on current active physical camera. For example, the physical
* cameras' sensor sensitivity and lens capability could be different from each other.
* So when the application manually controls sensor exposure time/gain, or does manual
* focus control, it must checks the current active physical camera's exposure, gain,
* and focus distance range.</p>
* <p>The capture request and result metadata tags required for backward compatible camera
* functionalities will be solely based on the logical camera capabiltity. On the other
* hand, the use of manual capture controls (sensor or post-processing) with a
* logical camera may result in unexpected behavior when the HAL decides to switch
* between physical cameras with different characteristics under the hood. For example,
* when the application manually sets exposure time and sensitivity while zooming in,
* the brightness of the camera images may suddenly change because HAL switches from one
* physical camera to the other.</p>
@ -8330,7 +8330,7 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_enum_acamera_info_supported_hardware_level {
* fire the flash for flash power metering during precapture, and then fire the flash
* for the final capture, if a flash is available on the device and the AE mode is set to
* enable the flash.</p>
* <p>Devices that initially shipped with Android version <a href="">Q</a> or newer will not include any LEGACY-level devices.</p>
* <p>Devices that initially shipped with Android version <a href="">Q</a> or newer will not include any LEGACY-level devices.</p>
