Merge "Camera: Remove thread that keeps HAL service alive for extra delay"

TreeHugger Robot 6 years ago committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit 81c75b410e

@ -50,14 +50,6 @@ namespace {
const std::string kLegacyProviderName("legacy/0");
const std::string kExternalProviderName("external/0");
const bool kEnableLazyHal(property_get_bool("", false));
// The extra amount of time to hold a reference to an ICameraProvider after it is no longer needed.
// Hold the reference for this extra time so that if the camera is unreferenced and then referenced
// again quickly, we do not let the HAL exit and then need to immediately restart it. An example
// when this could happen is switching from a front-facing to a rear-facing camera. If the HAL were
// to exit during the camera switch, the camera could appear janky to the user.
const std::chrono::system_clock::duration kCameraKeepAliveDelay = 3s;
} // anonymous namespace
const float CameraProviderManager::kDepthARTolerance = .1f;
@ -399,12 +391,15 @@ void CameraProviderManager::removeRef(DeviceMode usageType, const std::string &c
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mProviderInterfaceMapLock);
auto search = providerMap->find(cameraId.c_str());
if (search != providerMap->end()) {
auto ptr = search->second;
auto future = std::async(std::launch::async, [ptr] {
// Drop the reference to this ICameraProvider. This is safe to do immediately (without an
// added delay) because hwservicemanager guarantees to hold the reference for at least five
// more seconds. We depend on this behavior so that if the provider is unreferenced and
// then referenced again quickly, we do not let the HAL exit and then need to immediately
// restart it. An example when this could happen is switching from a front-facing to a
// rear-facing camera. If the HAL were to exit during the camera switch, the camera could
// appear janky to the user.
} else {
ALOGE("%s: Asked to remove reference for camera %s, but no reference to it was found. This "
"could mean removeRef was called twice for the same camera ID.", __FUNCTION__,
