Camera: Improve timestamping docs

Specifically, publicly commit to UNKNOWN being CLOCK_MONOTONIC, though
with loose accuracy guarantees.

Also document how to handle REALTIME timestamps for A/V sync purposes.

Test: Builds, docs-only change
Change-Id: I600b553c38f1b3490879630ae90d207bed0277b5
Eino-Ville Talvala 5 years ago
parent d1ce689ac4
commit 9d37afccb7

@ -8380,12 +8380,16 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_enum_acamera_sensor_info_color_filter_arrangement
typedef enum acamera_metadata_enum_acamera_sensor_info_timestamp_source {
* <p>Timestamps from ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP are in nanoseconds and monotonic,
* but can not be compared to timestamps from other subsystems
* (e.g. accelerometer, gyro etc.), or other instances of the same or different
* camera devices in the same system. Timestamps between streams and results for
* a single camera instance are comparable, and the timestamps for all buffers
* and the result metadata generated by a single capture are identical.</p>
* <p>Timestamps from ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP are in nanoseconds and monotonic, but can
* not be compared to timestamps from other subsystems (e.g. accelerometer, gyro etc.),
* or other instances of the same or different camera devices in the same system with
* accuracy. However, the timestamps are roughly in the same timebase as
* <a href="">SystemClock#uptimeMillis</a>. The accuracy is sufficient for tasks
* like A/V synchronization for video recording, at least, and the timestamps can be
* directly used together with timestamps from the audio subsystem for that task.</p>
* <p>Timestamps between streams and results for a single camera instance are comparable,
* and the timestamps for all buffers and the result metadata generated by a single
* capture are identical.</p>
@ -8395,6 +8399,14 @@ typedef enum acamera_metadata_enum_acamera_sensor_info_timestamp_source {
* <p>Timestamps from ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP are in the same timebase as
* <a href="">SystemClock#elapsedRealtimeNanos</a>,
* and they can be compared to other timestamps using that base.</p>
* <p>When buffers from a REALTIME device are passed directly to a video encoder from the
* camera, automatic compensation is done to account for differing timebases of the
* audio and camera subsystems. If the application is receiving buffers and then later
* sending them to a video encoder or other application where they are compared with
* audio subsystem timestamps or similar, this compensation is not present. In those
* cases, applications need to adjust the timestamps themselves. Since <a href="">SystemClock#elapsedRealtimeNanos</a> and <a href="">SystemClock#uptimeMillis</a> only diverge while the device is asleep, an
* offset between the two sources can be measured once per active session and applied
* to timestamps for sufficient accuracy for A/V sync.</p>
