Merge "codec2: Implement gav1 decoder component"

Vignesh Venkatasubramanian 5 years ago committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit dee634eed1

@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ cc_library_shared {
srcs: ["C2SoftGav1Dec.cpp"],
static_libs: ["libgav1"],
include_dirs: [

@ -256,20 +256,496 @@ C2SoftGav1Dec::C2SoftGav1Dec(const char *name, c2_node_id_t id,
const std::shared_ptr<IntfImpl> &intfImpl)
: SimpleC2Component(
std::make_shared<SimpleInterface<IntfImpl>>(name, id, intfImpl)),
mIntf(intfImpl) {}
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onInit() { return C2_OK; }
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onStop() { return C2_OK; }
void C2SoftGav1Dec::onReset() {}
void C2SoftGav1Dec::onRelease(){};
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onFlush_sm() { return C2_OK; }
void C2SoftGav1Dec::process(const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> & /*work*/,
const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> & /*pool*/) {}
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::drain(
uint32_t /*drainMode*/, const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> & /*pool*/) {
mCodecCtx(nullptr) {
gettimeofday(&mTimeStart, nullptr);
gettimeofday(&mTimeEnd, nullptr);
C2SoftGav1Dec::~C2SoftGav1Dec() { onRelease(); }
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onInit() {
return initDecoder() ? C2_OK : C2_CORRUPTED;
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onStop() {
mSignalledError = false;
mSignalledOutputEos = false;
return C2_OK;
void C2SoftGav1Dec::onReset() {
c2_status_t err = onFlush_sm();
if (err != C2_OK) {
ALOGW("Failed to flush the av1 decoder. Trying to hard reset.");
if (!initDecoder()) {
ALOGE("Hard reset failed.");
void C2SoftGav1Dec::onRelease() { destroyDecoder(); }
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::onFlush_sm() {
Libgav1StatusCode status =
mCodecCtx->EnqueueFrame(/*data=*/nullptr, /*size=*/0,
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("Failed to flush av1 decoder. status: %d.", status);
return C2_CORRUPTED;
// Dequeue frame (if any) that was enqueued previously.
const libgav1::DecoderBuffer *buffer;
status = mCodecCtx->DequeueFrame(&buffer);
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("Failed to dequeue frame after flushing the av1 decoder. status: %d",
return C2_CORRUPTED;
mSignalledError = false;
mSignalledOutputEos = false;
return C2_OK;
static int GetCPUCoreCount() {
int cpuCoreCount = 1;
cpuCoreCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
// _SC_NPROC_ONLN must be defined...
cpuCoreCount = sysconf(_SC_NPROC_ONLN);
CHECK(cpuCoreCount >= 1);
ALOGV("Number of CPU cores: %d", cpuCoreCount);
return cpuCoreCount;
bool C2SoftGav1Dec::initDecoder() {
mSignalledError = false;
mSignalledOutputEos = false;
mCodecCtx.reset(new libgav1::Decoder());
if (mCodecCtx == nullptr) {
ALOGE("mCodecCtx is null");
return false;
libgav1::DecoderSettings settings = {};
settings.threads = GetCPUCoreCount();
Libgav1StatusCode status = mCodecCtx->Init(&settings);
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("av1 decoder failed to initialize. status: %d.", status);
return false;
return true;
void C2SoftGav1Dec::destroyDecoder() { mCodecCtx = nullptr; }
void fillEmptyWork(const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
if (work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) {
flags |= C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
ALOGV("signalling eos");
work->worklets.front()->output.flags = (C2FrameData::flags_t)flags;
work->worklets.front()->output.ordinal = work->input.ordinal;
work->workletsProcessed = 1u;
void C2SoftGav1Dec::finishWork(uint64_t index,
const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work,
const std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> &block) {
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> buffer =
createGraphicBuffer(block, C2Rect(mWidth, mHeight));
auto fillWork = [buffer, index](const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
if ((work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) &&
(c2_cntr64_t(index) == work->input.ordinal.frameIndex)) {
flags |= C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM;
ALOGV("signalling eos");
work->worklets.front()->output.flags = (C2FrameData::flags_t)flags;
work->worklets.front()->output.ordinal = work->input.ordinal;
work->workletsProcessed = 1u;
if (work && c2_cntr64_t(index) == work->input.ordinal.frameIndex) {
} else {
finish(index, fillWork);
void C2SoftGav1Dec::process(const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work,
const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> &pool) {
work->result = C2_OK;
work->workletsProcessed = 0u;
work->worklets.front()->output.flags = work->input.flags;
if (mSignalledError || mSignalledOutputEos) {
work->result = C2_BAD_VALUE;
size_t inOffset = 0u;
size_t inSize = 0u;
C2ReadView rView = mDummyReadView;
if (!work->input.buffers.empty()) {
rView = work->input.buffers[0]->data().linearBlocks().front().map().get();
inSize = rView.capacity();
if (inSize && rView.error()) {
ALOGE("read view map failed %d", rView.error());
work->result = C2_CORRUPTED;
bool codecConfig =
((work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0);
bool eos = ((work->input.flags & C2FrameData::FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0);
ALOGV("in buffer attr. size %zu timestamp %d frameindex %d, flags %x", inSize,
(int)work->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peeku(), work->input.flags);
if (codecConfig) {
int64_t frameIndex = work->input.ordinal.frameIndex.peekll();
if (inSize) {
uint8_t *bitstream = const_cast<uint8_t *>( + inOffset);
int32_t decodeTime = 0;
int32_t delay = 0;
GETTIME(&mTimeStart, nullptr);
TIME_DIFF(mTimeEnd, mTimeStart, delay);
const Libgav1StatusCode status =
mCodecCtx->EnqueueFrame(bitstream, inSize, frameIndex);
GETTIME(&mTimeEnd, nullptr);
TIME_DIFF(mTimeStart, mTimeEnd, decodeTime);
ALOGV("decodeTime=%4d delay=%4d\n", decodeTime, delay);
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("av1 decoder failed to decode frame. status: %d.", status);
work->result = C2_CORRUPTED;
work->workletsProcessed = 1u;
mSignalledError = true;
} else {
const Libgav1StatusCode status =
mCodecCtx->EnqueueFrame(/*data=*/nullptr, /*size=*/0,
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("Failed to flush av1 decoder. status: %d.", status);
work->result = C2_CORRUPTED;
work->workletsProcessed = 1u;
mSignalledError = true;
(void)outputBuffer(pool, work);
if (eos) {
drainInternal(DRAIN_COMPONENT_WITH_EOS, pool, work);
mSignalledOutputEos = true;
} else if (!inSize) {
static void copyOutputBufferToYV12Frame(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *srcY,
const uint8_t *srcU,
const uint8_t *srcV, size_t srcYStride,
size_t srcUStride, size_t srcVStride,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
const size_t dstYStride = align(width, 16);
const size_t dstUVStride = align(dstYStride / 2, 16);
uint8_t *const dstStart = dst;
for (size_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcY, width);
srcY += srcYStride;
dst += dstYStride;
dst = dstStart + dstYStride * height;
for (size_t i = 0; i < height / 2; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcV, width / 2);
srcV += srcVStride;
dst += dstUVStride;
dst = dstStart + (dstYStride * height) + (dstUVStride * height / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < height / 2; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcU, width / 2);
srcU += srcUStride;
dst += dstUVStride;
static void convertYUV420Planar16ToY410(uint32_t *dst, const uint16_t *srcY,
const uint16_t *srcU,
const uint16_t *srcV, size_t srcYStride,
size_t srcUStride, size_t srcVStride,
size_t dstStride, size_t width,
size_t height) {
// Converting two lines at a time, slightly faster
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
uint32_t *dstTop = (uint32_t *)dst;
uint32_t *dstBot = (uint32_t *)(dst + dstStride);
uint16_t *ySrcTop = (uint16_t *)srcY;
uint16_t *ySrcBot = (uint16_t *)(srcY + srcYStride);
uint16_t *uSrc = (uint16_t *)srcU;
uint16_t *vSrc = (uint16_t *)srcV;
uint32_t u01, v01, y01, y23, y45, y67, uv0, uv1;
size_t x = 0;
for (; x < width - 3; x += 4) {
u01 = *((uint32_t *)uSrc);
uSrc += 2;
v01 = *((uint32_t *)vSrc);
vSrc += 2;
y01 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcTop);
ySrcTop += 2;
y23 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcTop);
ySrcTop += 2;
y45 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcBot);
ySrcBot += 2;
y67 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcBot);
ySrcBot += 2;
uv0 = (u01 & 0x3FF) | ((v01 & 0x3FF) << 20);
uv1 = (u01 >> 16) | ((v01 >> 16) << 20);
*dstTop++ = 3 << 30 | ((y01 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv0;
*dstTop++ = 3 << 30 | ((y01 >> 16) << 10) | uv0;
*dstTop++ = 3 << 30 | ((y23 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv1;
*dstTop++ = 3 << 30 | ((y23 >> 16) << 10) | uv1;
*dstBot++ = 3 << 30 | ((y45 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv0;
*dstBot++ = 3 << 30 | ((y45 >> 16) << 10) | uv0;
*dstBot++ = 3 << 30 | ((y67 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv1;
*dstBot++ = 3 << 30 | ((y67 >> 16) << 10) | uv1;
// There should be at most 2 more pixels to process. Note that we don't
// need to consider odd case as the buffer is always aligned to even.
if (x < width) {
u01 = *uSrc;
v01 = *vSrc;
y01 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcTop);
y45 = *((uint32_t *)ySrcBot);
uv0 = (u01 & 0x3FF) | ((v01 & 0x3FF) << 20);
*dstTop++ = ((y01 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv0;
*dstTop++ = ((y01 >> 16) << 10) | uv0;
*dstBot++ = ((y45 & 0x3FF) << 10) | uv0;
*dstBot++ = ((y45 >> 16) << 10) | uv0;
srcY += srcYStride * 2;
srcU += srcUStride;
srcV += srcVStride;
dst += dstStride * 2;
static void convertYUV420Planar16ToYUV420Planar(
uint8_t *dst, const uint16_t *srcY, const uint16_t *srcU,
const uint16_t *srcV, size_t srcYStride, size_t srcUStride,
size_t srcVStride, size_t dstStride, size_t width, size_t height) {
uint8_t *dstY = (uint8_t *)dst;
size_t dstYSize = dstStride * height;
size_t dstUVStride = align(dstStride / 2, 16);
size_t dstUVSize = dstUVStride * height / 2;
uint8_t *dstV = dstY + dstYSize;
uint8_t *dstU = dstV + dstUVSize;
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
dstY[x] = (uint8_t)(srcY[x] >> 2);
srcY += srcYStride;
dstY += dstStride;
for (size_t y = 0; y < (height + 1) / 2; ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < (width + 1) / 2; ++x) {
dstU[x] = (uint8_t)(srcU[x] >> 2);
dstV[x] = (uint8_t)(srcV[x] >> 2);
srcU += srcUStride;
srcV += srcVStride;
dstU += dstUVStride;
dstV += dstUVStride;
bool C2SoftGav1Dec::outputBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> &pool,
const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work) {
if (!(work && pool)) return false;
const libgav1::DecoderBuffer *buffer;
const Libgav1StatusCode status = mCodecCtx->DequeueFrame(&buffer);
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("av1 decoder DequeueFrame failed. status: %d.", status);
return false;
// |buffer| can be NULL if status was equal to kLibgav1StatusOk. This is not
// an error. This could mean one of two things:
// - The EnqueueFrame() call was either a flush (called with nullptr).
// - The enqueued frame did not have any displayable frames.
if (!buffer) {
return false;
const int width = buffer->displayed_width[0];
const int height = buffer->displayed_height[0];
if (width != mWidth || height != mHeight) {
mWidth = width;
mHeight = height;
C2StreamPictureSizeInfo::output size(0u, mWidth, mHeight);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2SettingResult>> failures;
c2_status_t err = mIntf->config({&size}, C2_MAY_BLOCK, &failures);
if (err == C2_OK) {
} else {
ALOGE("Config update size failed");
mSignalledError = true;
work->result = C2_CORRUPTED;
work->workletsProcessed = 1u;
return false;
// TODO(vigneshv): Add support for monochrome videos since AV1 supports it.
CHECK(buffer->image_format == libgav1::kImageFormatYuv420);
std::shared_ptr<C2GraphicBlock> block;
uint32_t format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12;
if (buffer->bitdepth == 10) {
IntfImpl::Lock lock = mIntf->lock();
std::shared_ptr<C2StreamColorAspectsTuning::output> defaultColorAspects =
if (defaultColorAspects->primaries == C2Color::PRIMARIES_BT2020 &&
defaultColorAspects->matrix == C2Color::MATRIX_BT2020 &&
defaultColorAspects->transfer == C2Color::TRANSFER_ST2084) {
format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_1010102;
C2MemoryUsage usage = {C2MemoryUsage::CPU_READ, C2MemoryUsage::CPU_WRITE};
c2_status_t err = pool->fetchGraphicBlock(align(mWidth, 16), mHeight, format,
usage, &block);
if (err != C2_OK) {
ALOGE("fetchGraphicBlock for Output failed with status %d", err);
work->result = err;
return false;
C2GraphicView wView = block->map().get();
if (wView.error()) {
ALOGE("graphic view map failed %d", wView.error());
work->result = C2_CORRUPTED;
return false;
ALOGV("provided (%dx%d) required (%dx%d), out frameindex %d", block->width(),
block->height(), mWidth, mHeight, (int)buffer->user_private_data);
uint8_t *dst = const_cast<uint8_t *>([C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y]);
size_t srcYStride = buffer->stride[0];
size_t srcUStride = buffer->stride[1];
size_t srcVStride = buffer->stride[2];
if (buffer->bitdepth == 10) {
const uint16_t *srcY = (const uint16_t *)buffer->plane[0];
const uint16_t *srcU = (const uint16_t *)buffer->plane[1];
const uint16_t *srcV = (const uint16_t *)buffer->plane[2];
if (format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_1010102) {
(uint32_t *)dst, srcY, srcU, srcV, srcYStride / 2, srcUStride / 2,
srcVStride / 2, align(mWidth, 16), mWidth, mHeight);
} else {
convertYUV420Planar16ToYUV420Planar(dst, srcY, srcU, srcV, srcYStride / 2,
srcUStride / 2, srcVStride / 2,
align(mWidth, 16), mWidth, mHeight);
} else {
const uint8_t *srcY = (const uint8_t *)buffer->plane[0];
const uint8_t *srcU = (const uint8_t *)buffer->plane[1];
const uint8_t *srcV = (const uint8_t *)buffer->plane[2];
copyOutputBufferToYV12Frame(dst, srcY, srcU, srcV, srcYStride, srcUStride,
srcVStride, mWidth, mHeight);
finishWork(buffer->user_private_data, work, std::move(block));
block = nullptr;
return true;
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::drainInternal(
uint32_t drainMode, const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> &pool,
const std::unique_ptr<C2Work> &work) {
if (drainMode == NO_DRAIN) {
ALOGW("drain with NO_DRAIN: no-op");
return C2_OK;
if (drainMode == DRAIN_CHAIN) {
ALOGW("DRAIN_CHAIN not supported");
return C2_OMITTED;
Libgav1StatusCode status =
mCodecCtx->EnqueueFrame(/*data=*/nullptr, /*size=*/0,
if (status != kLibgav1StatusOk) {
ALOGE("Failed to flush av1 decoder. status: %d.", status);
return C2_CORRUPTED;
while (outputBuffer(pool, work)) {
if (drainMode == DRAIN_COMPONENT_WITH_EOS && work &&
work->workletsProcessed == 0u) {
return C2_OK;
c2_status_t C2SoftGav1Dec::drain(uint32_t drainMode,
const std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> &pool) {
return drainInternal(drainMode, pool, nullptr);
class C2SoftGav1Factory : public C2ComponentFactory {

@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
#include <SimpleC2Component.h>
#include "libgav1/src/decoder.h"
#include "libgav1/src/decoder_settings.h"
#define GETTIME(a, b) gettimeofday(a, b);
#define TIME_DIFF(start, end, diff) \
diff = (((end).tv_sec - (start).tv_sec) * 1000000) + \
((end).tv_usec - (start).tv_usec);
namespace android {
@ -26,6 +33,7 @@ struct C2SoftGav1Dec : public SimpleC2Component {
C2SoftGav1Dec(const char* name, c2_node_id_t id,
const std::shared_ptr<IntfImpl>& intfImpl);
// Begin SimpleC2Component overrides.
c2_status_t onInit() override;
@ -41,6 +49,7 @@ struct C2SoftGav1Dec : public SimpleC2Component {
std::shared_ptr<IntfImpl> mIntf;
std::unique_ptr<libgav1::Decoder> mCodecCtx;
uint32_t mWidth;
uint32_t mHeight;
