Expose a property that allows restarting the audio HAL

Fixes: 153461865
Test: See main change in topic
Change-Id: I1bedf032d4b41ae7ecd7357787b75ed29ed3dcf7
Ytai Ben-Tsvi 4 years ago
parent 5226677901
commit e734d9dfc4

@ -6,16 +6,22 @@ service audioserver /system/bin/audioserver
capabilities BLOCK_SUSPEND
ioprio rt 4
writepid /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks /dev/stune/foreground/tasks
onrestart restart vendor.audio-hal
onrestart restart vendor.audio-hal-4-0-msd
# Keep the original service names for backward compatibility
onrestart restart vendor.audio-hal-2-0
onrestart restart audio-hal-2-0
onrestart setprop sys.audio.restart.hal 1
on property:vts.native_server.on=1
stop audioserver
on property:vts.native_server.on=0
start audioserver
on property:sys.audio.restart.hal=1
restart vendor.audio-hal
restart vendor.audio-hal-4-0-msd
# Keep the original service names for backward compatibility
restart vendor.audio-hal-2-0
restart audio-hal-2-0
# reset the property
setprop sys.audio.restart.hal 0
on init
mkdir /dev/socket/audioserver 0775 audioserver audioserver
