Merge "add test for AudioTrack constructor"

TreeHugger Robot 7 years ago committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit eda72c27ca

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
cc_defaults {
name: "libaudioclient_tests_defaults",
cflags: [
cc_test {
name: "test_create_audiotrack",
defaults: ["libaudioclient_tests_defaults"],
srcs: ["test_create_audiotrack.cpp"],
shared_libs: [
data: ["track_test_input_*.txt"],

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Handle a DISCONNECT by only opening and starting a new stream
* without stopping and closing the old one.
* This caused the new stream to use the old disconnected device.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <binder/MemoryBase.h>
#include <binder/MemoryDealer.h>
#include <binder/MemoryHeapBase.h>
#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
#define NUM_ARGUMENTS 10
#define VERSION_KEY "version"
#define VERSION_VALUE "1.0"
namespace android {
int readLine(FILE *inputFile, char *line, int size) {
int ret = 0;
while (true) {
char *str = fgets(line, size, inputFile);
if (str == nullptr) {
ret = -1;
if (feof(inputFile) != 0 || ferror(inputFile) != 0) {
ret = -1;
if (strlen(str) != 0 && str[0] != '#') {
return ret;
bool checkVersion(FILE *inputFile)
char versionValue[MAX_INPUT_FILE_LINE_LENGTH];
if (readLine(inputFile, line, MAX_INPUT_FILE_LINE_LENGTH) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Missing version in input file\n");
return false;
if (sscanf(line, " %s %s", versionKey, versionValue) != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Malformed version in input file\n");
return false;
if (strcmp(versionKey, VERSION_KEY) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Malformed version in input file\n");
return false;
if (strcmp(versionValue, VERSION_VALUE) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong input file version %s expecting %s\n", versionValue, VERSION_VALUE);
return false;
return true;
void callback(int event __unused, void* user __unused, void *info __unused)
void testTrack(FILE *inputFile, int outputFileFd)
uint32_t testCount = 0;
Vector<String16> args;
if (inputFile == nullptr) {
sp<AudioTrack> track = new AudioTrack(AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT,
0 /* sampleRate */,
if (track == 0 || track->initCheck() != NO_ERROR) {
write(outputFileFd, "Error creating AudioTrack\n",
sizeof("Error creating AudioTrack\n"));
} else {
track->dump(outputFileFd, args);
// check version
if (!checkVersion(inputFile)) {
while (readLine(inputFile, line, MAX_INPUT_FILE_LINE_LENGTH) == 0) {
uint32_t sampleRate;
audio_format_t format;
audio_channel_mask_t channelMask;
size_t frameCount;
int32_t notificationFrames;
uint32_t useSharedBuffer;
audio_output_flags_t flags;
audio_session_t sessionId;
audio_usage_t usage;
audio_content_type_t contentType;
audio_attributes_t attributes;
sp<IMemory> sharedBuffer;
sp<MemoryDealer> heap;
audio_offload_info_t offloadInfo = AUDIO_INFO_INITIALIZER;
status_t status;
bool offload = false;
bool fast = false;
if (sscanf(line, " %u %x %x %zu %d %u %x %u %u %u",
&sampleRate, &format, &channelMask,
&frameCount, &notificationFrames, &useSharedBuffer,
&flags, &sessionId, &usage, &contentType) != NUM_ARGUMENTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Malformed line for test #%u in input file\n", testCount+1);
if (useSharedBuffer != 0) {
size_t heapSize = audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(channelMask) *
audio_bytes_per_sample(format) * frameCount;
heap = new MemoryDealer(heapSize, "AudioTrack Heap Base");
sharedBuffer = heap->allocate(heapSize);
frameCount = 0;
notificationFrames = 0;
offloadInfo.sample_rate = sampleRate;
offloadInfo.channel_mask = channelMask;
offloadInfo.format = format;
offload = true;
if ((flags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST) != 0) {
fast = true;
memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof(attributes));
attributes.content_type = contentType;
attributes.usage = usage;
sp<AudioTrack> track = new AudioTrack();
(fast || offload) ? callback : nullptr,
((fast && sharedBuffer == 0) || offload) ?
offload ? &offloadInfo : nullptr,
status = track->initCheck();
sprintf(statusStr, "\n#### Test %u status %d\n", testCount, status);
write(outputFileFd, statusStr, strlen(statusStr));
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
track->dump(outputFileFd, args);
}; // namespace android
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *inputFile = nullptr;
int outputFileFd = STDOUT_FILENO;
mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
int ret = 0;
if (argc > 5) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-i input_params.txt] [-o output_params.txt]\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
while (*argv) {
if (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) {
if (*argv) {
inputFile = fopen(*argv, "r");
if (inputFile == nullptr) {
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = 1;
if (strcmp(*argv, "-o") == 0) {
if (*argv) {
outputFileFd = open(*argv, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, mode);
if (outputFileFd < 0) {
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = 1;
if (*argv) {
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
android::testTrack(inputFile, outputFileFd);
if (inputFile) {
if (outputFileFd >= 0 && outputFileFd != STDOUT_FILENO) {
return ret;

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
version 1.0
# Input file for test_create_audiotrack
# Add one line for each tested AudioTrack constructor with the following arguments:
# sampleRate format channelMask frameCount notificationFrames sharedBuffer flags sessionId usage contentType
# sample rate tests
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
24000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
16000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
8000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
44100 0x1 0x3 4410 2205 0 0x0 0 1 2
22050 0x1 0x3 4410 2205 0 0x0 0 1 2
11025 0x1 0x3 4410 2205 0 0x0 0 1 2
# format tests
48000 0x2 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x3 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x5 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
# channel mask tests
48000 0x1 0x1 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x3F 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x63F 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 1 2
# framecount tests
48000 0x1 0x3 0 0 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x3 48000 0 0 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x3 0 -2 0 0x4 0 1 2
# shared memory tests
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 1 0x0 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 1 0x4 0 1 2
# flags test
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x4 0 1 2
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x8 0 1 2
44100 0x1000000 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x11 0 1 2
# session tests
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 1001 1 2
# attributes tests
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 0 0
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 2 1
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 4 2
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 5 2
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 11 1
48000 0x1 0x3 4800 2400 0 0x0 0 12 1

@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
#### Test 1 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(49), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 2 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(57), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(24000), original sample rate(24000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(1600), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (250), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 3 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(65), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(16000), original sample rate(16000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(1600), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (350), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 4 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(73), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(8000), original sample rate(8000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(1600), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (650), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 5 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(81), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(44100), original sample rate(44100), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4410), req. frame count(4410)
notif. frame count(1470), req. notif. frame count(2205), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 6 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(89), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(22050), original sample rate(22050), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4410), req. frame count(4410)
notif. frame count(1470), req. notif. frame count(2205), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (250), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 7 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(97), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(11025), original sample rate(11025), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4410), req. frame count(4410)
notif. frame count(1470), req. notif. frame count(2205), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (450), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 8 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(105), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(2), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 9 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(113), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(3), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (180), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(29) AF latency (80) AF frame count(1920) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 10 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(121), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(5), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (180), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(29) AF latency (80) AF frame count(1920) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 11 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(129), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(1), channel count(1)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 12 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(137), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3f), channel count(6)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 13 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(145), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(63f), channel count(8)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 14 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(153), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(1924), req. frame count(1924)
notif. frame count(962), req. notif. frame count(0), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (90), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 15 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(161), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(48000), req. frame count(48000)
notif. frame count(24000), req. notif. frame count(0), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (1050), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 16 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(169), flags(4)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(480), req. frame count(480)
notif. frame count(240), req. notif. frame count(0), req. notif. per buff(2)
latency (60), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 17 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(177), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(0), req. notif. frame count(0), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 18 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(185), flags(4)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(0), req. notif. frame count(0), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 19 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(193), flags(4)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(240), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 20 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(201), flags(8)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (180), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(29) AF latency (80) AF frame count(1920) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 21 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(209), flags(11)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1000000), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(44100), original sample rate(44100), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(4800), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (204), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(53) AF latency (96) AF frame count(262144) AF SampleRate(44100)
#### Test 22 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(1001), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 23 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(217), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 24 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(225), flags(0)
stream type(0), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (140), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(1)
output(45) AF latency (40) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 25 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(233), flags(0)
stream type(4), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(3)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 26 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(241), flags(0)
stream type(5), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(3)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 27 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(249), flags(0)
stream type(10), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)
#### Test 28 status 0
status(0), state(1), session Id(257), flags(0)
stream type(3), left - right volume(1.000000, 1.000000)
format(1), channel mask(3), channel count(2)
sample rate(48000), original sample rate(48000), speed(1.000000)
frame count(4800), req. frame count(4800)
notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. frame count(2400), req. notif. per buff(0)
latency (150), selected device Id(0), routed device Id(2)
output(13) AF latency (50) AF frame count(960) AF SampleRate(48000)