/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __DRM_CONSTRAINTS_H__ #define __DRM_CONSTRAINTS_H__ #include "drm_framework_common.h" namespace android { /** * This is an utility class which contains the constraints information. * * As a result of DrmManagerClient::getConstraints(const String8*, const int) * an instance of DrmConstraints would be returned. * */ class DrmConstraints { public: /** * The following variables are replica of android.drm.DrmStore.ConstraintsColumns * Any changes should also be incorporated with Java Layer as well */ /** * The max repeat count */ static const String8 MAX_REPEAT_COUNT; /** * The remaining repeat count */ static const String8 REMAINING_REPEAT_COUNT; /** * The time before which the protected file can not be played/viewed */ static const String8 LICENSE_START_TIME; /** * The time after which the protected file can not be played/viewed */ static const String8 LICENSE_EXPIRY_TIME; /** * The available time for license */ static const String8 LICENSE_AVAILABLE_TIME; /** * The data stream for extended metadata */ static const String8 EXTENDED_METADATA; public: /** * Iterator for key */ class KeyIterator { friend class DrmConstraints; private: explicit KeyIterator(DrmConstraints* drmConstraints) : mDrmConstraints(drmConstraints), mIndex(0) {} public: KeyIterator(const KeyIterator& keyIterator); KeyIterator& operator=(const KeyIterator& keyIterator); virtual ~KeyIterator() {} public: bool hasNext(); const String8& next(); private: DrmConstraints* mDrmConstraints; unsigned int mIndex; }; /** * Iterator for constraints */ class Iterator { friend class DrmConstraints; private: explicit Iterator(DrmConstraints* drmConstraints) : mDrmConstraints(drmConstraints), mIndex(0) {} public: Iterator(const Iterator& iterator); Iterator& operator=(const Iterator& iterator); virtual ~Iterator() {} public: bool hasNext(); String8 next(); private: DrmConstraints* mDrmConstraints; unsigned int mIndex; }; public: DrmConstraints() {} virtual ~DrmConstraints() { DrmConstraints::KeyIterator keyIt = this->keyIterator(); while (keyIt.hasNext()) { String8 key = keyIt.next(); const char* value = this->getAsByteArray(&key); if (NULL != value) { delete[] value; value = NULL; } } mConstraintMap.clear(); } public: /** * Returns the number of constraints contained in this instance * * @return Number of constraints */ int getCount(void) const; /** * Adds constraint information as pair to this instance * * @param[in] key Key to add * @param[in] value Value to add * @return Returns DRM_NO_ERROR for success, DRM_ERROR_UNKNOWN for failure */ status_t put(const String8* key, const char* value); /** * Retrieves the value of given key * * @param key Key whose value to be retrieved * @return The value */ String8 get(const String8& key) const; /** * Retrieves the value as byte array of given key * @param key Key whose value to be retrieved as byte array * @return The byte array value */ const char* getAsByteArray(const String8* key) const; /** * Returns KeyIterator object to walk through the keys associated with this instance * * @return KeyIterator object */ KeyIterator keyIterator(); /** * Returns Iterator object to walk through the values associated with this instance * * @return Iterator object */ Iterator iterator(); private: const char* getValue(const String8* key) const; private: typedef KeyedVector DrmConstraintsMap; DrmConstraintsMap mConstraintMap; }; }; #endif /* __DRM_CONSTRAINTS_H__ */