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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/frameworks/cameraservice/service/2.0/ICameraService.h>
#include <android/frameworks/cameraservice/device/2.0/ICameraDeviceUser.h>
#include <android/frameworks/cameraservice/device/2.0/types.h>
#include <camera/NdkCameraDevice.h>
#include <CameraMetadata.h>
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
using android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using android::hardware::hidl_handle;
namespace android {
namespace acam {
namespace utils {
using CameraMetadata = hardware::camera::common::V1_0::helper::CameraMetadata;
using HCameraMetadata = frameworks::cameraservice::service::V2_0::CameraMetadata;
using Status = frameworks::cameraservice::common::V2_0::Status;
using TemplateId = frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::TemplateId;
using PhysicalCameraSettings = frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::PhysicalCameraSettings;
using HRotation = frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::OutputConfiguration::Rotation;
using OutputConfiguration = frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::OutputConfiguration;
// Utility class so that CaptureRequest can be stored by sp<>
struct CaptureRequest : public RefBase {
frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::CaptureRequest mCaptureRequest;
std::vector<native_handle_t *> mSurfaceList;
//Physical camera settings metadata is stored here, since the capture request
//might not contain it. That's since, fmq might have consumed it.
hidl_vec<PhysicalCameraSettings> mPhysicalCameraSettings;
bool areWindowNativeHandlesEqual(hidl_vec<hidl_handle> handles1, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>handles2);
bool areWindowNativeHandlesLessThan(hidl_vec<hidl_handle> handles1, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>handles2);
bool isWindowNativeHandleEqual(const native_handle_t *nh1, const native_handle_t *nh2);
bool isWindowNativeHandleLessThan(const native_handle_t *nh1, const native_handle_t *nh2);
// Convenience wrapper over isWindowNativeHandleLessThan and isWindowNativeHandleEqual
bool isWindowNativeHandleGreaterThan(const native_handle_t *nh1, const native_handle_t *nh2);
// Utility class so the native_handle_t can be compared with its contents instead
// of just raw pointer comparisons.
struct native_handle_ptr_wrapper {
native_handle_t *mWindow = nullptr;
native_handle_ptr_wrapper(native_handle_t *nh) : mWindow(nh) { }
native_handle_ptr_wrapper() = default;
operator native_handle_t *() const { return mWindow; }
bool operator ==(const native_handle_ptr_wrapper other) const {
return isWindowNativeHandleEqual(mWindow, other.mWindow);
bool operator != (const native_handle_ptr_wrapper& other) const {
return !isWindowNativeHandleEqual(mWindow, other.mWindow);
bool operator < (const native_handle_ptr_wrapper& other) const {
return isWindowNativeHandleLessThan(mWindow, other.mWindow);
bool operator > (const native_handle_ptr_wrapper& other) const {
return !isWindowNativeHandleGreaterThan(mWindow, other.mWindow);
// Wrapper around OutputConfiguration. This is needed since HIDL
// OutputConfiguration is auto-generated and marked final. Therefore, operator
// overloads outside the class, will not get picked by clang while trying to
// store OutputConfiguration in maps/sets.
struct OutputConfigurationWrapper {
OutputConfiguration mOutputConfiguration;
operator const OutputConfiguration &() const {
return mOutputConfiguration;
OutputConfigurationWrapper() {
mOutputConfiguration.rotation = OutputConfiguration::Rotation::R0;
// The ndk currently doesn't support deferred surfaces
mOutputConfiguration.isDeferred = false;
mOutputConfiguration.width = 0;
mOutputConfiguration.height = 0;
// ndk doesn't support inter OutputConfiguration buffer sharing.
mOutputConfiguration.windowGroupId = -1;
OutputConfigurationWrapper(OutputConfiguration &outputConfiguration)
: mOutputConfiguration((outputConfiguration)) { }
bool operator ==(const OutputConfiguration &other) const {
const OutputConfiguration &self = mOutputConfiguration;
return self.rotation == other.rotation && self.windowGroupId == other.windowGroupId &&
self.physicalCameraId == other.physicalCameraId && self.width == other.width &&
self.height == other.height && self.isDeferred == other.isDeferred &&
areWindowNativeHandlesEqual(self.windowHandles, other.windowHandles);
bool operator < (const OutputConfiguration &other) const {
if (*this == other) {
return false;
const OutputConfiguration &self = mOutputConfiguration;
if (self.windowGroupId != other.windowGroupId) {
return self.windowGroupId < other.windowGroupId;
if (self.width != other.width) {
return self.width < other.width;
if (self.height != other.height) {
return self.height < other.height;
if (self.rotation != other.rotation) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(self.rotation) < static_cast<uint32_t>(other.rotation);
if (self.isDeferred != other.isDeferred) {
return self.isDeferred < other.isDeferred;
if (self.physicalCameraId != other.physicalCameraId) {
return self.physicalCameraId < other.physicalCameraId;
return areWindowNativeHandlesLessThan(self.windowHandles, other.windowHandles);
bool operator != (const OutputConfiguration &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool operator > (const OutputConfiguration &other) const {
return (*this != other) && !(*this < other);
// Convert CaptureRequest wrappable by sp<> to hidl CaptureRequest.
frameworks::cameraservice::device::V2_0::CaptureRequest convertToHidl(
const CaptureRequest *captureRequest);
HRotation convertToHidl(int rotation);
bool convertFromHidlCloned(const HCameraMetadata &metadata, CameraMetadata *rawMetadata);
// Note: existing data in dst will be gone.
void convertToHidl(const camera_metadata_t *src, HCameraMetadata* dst, bool shouldOwn = false);
TemplateId convertToHidl(ACameraDevice_request_template templateId);
camera_status_t convertFromHidl(Status status);
} // namespace utils
} // namespace acam
} // namespace android