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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/Condition.h>
#include <utils/Mutex.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
namespace android {
namespace resource_policy {
class ClientPriority {
* Choosing to set mIsVendorClient through a parameter instead of calling
* getCurrentServingCall() == BinderCallType::HWBINDER to protect against the
* case where the construction is offloaded to another thread which isn't a
* hwbinder thread.
ClientPriority(int32_t score, int32_t state, bool isVendorClient) :
mScore(score), mState(state), mIsVendorClient(isVendorClient) { }
int32_t getScore() const { return mScore; }
int32_t getState() const { return mState; }
void setScore(int32_t score) {
// For vendor clients, the score is set once and for all during
// construction. Otherwise, it can get reset each time cameraserver
// queries ActivityManagerService for oom_adj scores / states .
if (!mIsVendorClient) {
mScore = score;
void setState(int32_t state) {
// For vendor clients, the score is set once and for all during
// construction. Otherwise, it can get reset each time cameraserver
// queries ActivityManagerService for oom_adj scores / states
// (ActivityManagerService returns a vendor process' state as
if (!mIsVendorClient) {
mState = state;
bool operator==(const ClientPriority& rhs) const {
return (this->mScore == rhs.mScore) && (this->mState == rhs.mState);
bool operator< (const ClientPriority& rhs) const {
if (this->mScore == rhs.mScore) {
return this->mState < rhs.mState;
} else {
return this->mScore < rhs.mScore;
bool operator> (const ClientPriority& rhs) const {
return rhs < *this;
bool operator<=(const ClientPriority& rhs) const {
return !(*this > rhs);
bool operator>=(const ClientPriority& rhs) const {
return !(*this < rhs);
int32_t mScore;
int32_t mState;
bool mIsVendorClient = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The ClientDescriptor class is a container for a given key/value pair identifying a shared
* resource, and the corresponding cost, priority, owner ID, and conflicting keys list used
* in determining eviction behavior.
* Aside from the priority, these values are immutable once the ClientDescriptor has been
* constructed.
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
class ClientDescriptor final {
ClientDescriptor(const KEY& key, const VALUE& value, int32_t cost,
const std::set<KEY>& conflictingKeys, int32_t score, int32_t ownerId, int32_t state,
bool isVendorClient);
ClientDescriptor(KEY&& key, VALUE&& value, int32_t cost, std::set<KEY>&& conflictingKeys,
int32_t score, int32_t ownerId, int32_t state, bool isVendorClient);
* Return the key for this descriptor.
const KEY& getKey() const;
* Return the value for this descriptor.
const VALUE& getValue() const;
* Return the cost for this descriptor.
int32_t getCost() const;
* Return the priority for this descriptor.
const ClientPriority &getPriority() const;
* Return the owner ID for this descriptor.
int32_t getOwnerId() const;
* Return true if the given key is in this descriptor's conflicting keys list.
bool isConflicting(const KEY& key) const;
* Return the set of all conflicting keys for this descriptor.
std::set<KEY> getConflicting() const;
* Set the proirity for this descriptor.
void setPriority(const ClientPriority& priority);
// This class is ordered by key
template<class K, class V>
friend bool operator < (const ClientDescriptor<K, V>& a, const ClientDescriptor<K, V>& b);
KEY mKey;
VALUE mValue;
int32_t mCost;
std::set<KEY> mConflicting;
ClientPriority mPriority;
int32_t mOwnerId;
}; // class ClientDescriptor
template<class K, class V>
bool operator < (const ClientDescriptor<K, V>& a, const ClientDescriptor<K, V>& b) {
return a.mKey < b.mKey;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::ClientDescriptor(const KEY& key, const VALUE& value, int32_t cost,
const std::set<KEY>& conflictingKeys, int32_t score, int32_t ownerId, int32_t state,
bool isVendorClient) :
mKey{key}, mValue{value}, mCost{cost}, mConflicting{conflictingKeys},
mPriority(score, state, isVendorClient),
mOwnerId{ownerId} {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::ClientDescriptor(KEY&& key, VALUE&& value, int32_t cost,
std::set<KEY>&& conflictingKeys, int32_t score, int32_t ownerId, int32_t state,
bool isVendorClient) :
mKey{std::forward<KEY>(key)}, mValue{std::forward<VALUE>(value)}, mCost{cost},
mPriority(score, state, isVendorClient), mOwnerId{ownerId} {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::~ClientDescriptor() {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
const KEY& ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getKey() const {
return mKey;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
const VALUE& ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getValue() const {
return mValue;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
int32_t ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getCost() const {
return mCost;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
const ClientPriority& ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getPriority() const {
return mPriority;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
int32_t ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getOwnerId() const {
return mOwnerId;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
bool ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::isConflicting(const KEY& key) const {
if (key == mKey) return true;
for (const auto& x : mConflicting) {
if (key == x) return true;
return false;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
std::set<KEY> ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::getConflicting() const {
return mConflicting;
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
void ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>::setPriority(const ClientPriority& priority) {
// We don't use the usual copy constructor here since we want to remember
// whether a client is a vendor client or not. This could have been wiped
// off in the incoming priority argument since an AIDL thread might have
// called getCurrentServingCall() == BinderCallType::HWBINDER after refreshing
// priorities for old clients through ProcessInfoService::getProcessStatesScoresFromPids().
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A default class implementing the LISTENER interface used by ClientManager.
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
class DefaultEventListener {
void onClientAdded(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
void onClientRemoved(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
void DefaultEventListener<KEY, VALUE>::onClientAdded(
const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& /*descriptor*/) {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE>
void DefaultEventListener<KEY, VALUE>::onClientRemoved(
const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& /*descriptor*/) {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The ClientManager class wraps an LRU-ordered list of active clients and implements eviction
* behavior for handling shared resource access.
* When adding a new descriptor, eviction behavior is as follows:
* - Keys are unique, adding a descriptor with the same key as an existing descriptor will
* result in the lower-priority of the two being removed. Priority ties result in the
* LRU descriptor being evicted (this means the incoming descriptor be added in this case).
* - Any descriptors with keys that are in the incoming descriptor's 'conflicting keys' list
* will be removed if they have an equal or lower priority than the incoming descriptor;
* if any have a higher priority, the incoming descriptor is removed instead.
* - If the sum of all descriptors' costs, including the incoming descriptor's, is more than
* the max cost allowed for this ClientManager, descriptors with non-zero cost, equal or lower
* priority, and a different owner will be evicted in LRU order until either the cost is less
* than the max cost, or all descriptors meeting this criteria have been evicted and the
* incoming descriptor has the highest priority. Otherwise, the incoming descriptor is
* removed instead.
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER=DefaultEventListener<KEY, VALUE>>
class ClientManager {
// The default maximum "cost" allowed before evicting
static constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_MAX_COST = 100;
explicit ClientManager(int32_t totalCost);
* Add a given ClientDescriptor to the managed list. ClientDescriptors for clients that
* are evicted by this action are returned in a vector.
* This may return the ClientDescriptor passed in if it would be evicted.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> addAndEvict(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client);
* Given a map containing owner (pid) -> priority mappings, update the priority of each
* ClientDescriptor with an owner in this mapping.
void updatePriorities(const std::map<int32_t,ClientPriority>& ownerPriorityList);
* Remove all ClientDescriptors.
void removeAll();
* Remove and return the ClientDescriptor with a given key.
std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> remove(const KEY& key);
* Remove the given ClientDescriptor.
void remove(const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& value);
* Return a vector of the ClientDescriptors that would be evicted by adding the given
* ClientDescriptor.
* This may return the ClientDescriptor passed in if it would be evicted.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> wouldEvict(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client) const;
* Return a vector of active ClientDescriptors that prevent this client from being added.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> getIncompatibleClients(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client) const;
* Return a vector containing all currently active ClientDescriptors.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> getAll() const;
* Return a vector containing all keys of currently active ClientDescriptors.
std::vector<KEY> getAllKeys() const;
* Return a vector of the owner tags of all currently active ClientDescriptors (duplicates
* will be removed).
std::vector<int32_t> getAllOwners() const;
* Return the ClientDescriptor corresponding to the given key, or an empty shared pointer
* if none exists.
std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> get(const KEY& key) const;
* Block until the given client is no longer in the active clients list, or the timeout
* occurred.
* Returns NO_ERROR if this succeeded, -ETIMEDOUT on a timeout, or a negative error code on
* failure.
status_t waitUntilRemoved(const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> client,
nsecs_t timeout) const;
* Set the current listener for client add/remove events.
* The listener instance must inherit from the LISTENER class and implement the following
* methods:
* void onClientRemoved(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
* void onClientAdded(const ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>& descriptor);
* These callback methods will be called with the ClientManager's lock held, and should
* not call any further ClientManager methods.
* The onClientRemoved method will be called when the client has been removed or evicted
* from the ClientManager that this event listener has been added to. The onClientAdded
* method will be called when the client has been added to the ClientManager that this
* event listener has been added to.
void setListener(const std::shared_ptr<LISTENER>& listener);
* Return a vector of the ClientDescriptors that would be evicted by adding the given
* ClientDescriptor. If returnIncompatibleClients is set to true, instead, return the
* vector of ClientDescriptors that are higher priority than the incoming client and
* either conflict with this client, or contribute to the resource cost if that would
* prevent the incoming client from being added.
* This may return the ClientDescriptor passed in.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> wouldEvictLocked(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client,
bool returnIncompatibleClients = false) const;
int64_t getCurrentCostLocked() const;
mutable Mutex mLock;
mutable Condition mRemovedCondition;
int32_t mMaxCost;
// LRU ordered, most recent at end
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> mClients;
std::shared_ptr<LISTENER> mListener;
}; // class ClientManager
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::ClientManager() :
ClientManager(DEFAULT_MAX_COST) {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::ClientManager(int32_t totalCost) : mMaxCost(totalCost) {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::~ClientManager() {}
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::wouldEvict(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client) const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
return wouldEvictLocked(client);
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::getIncompatibleClients(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client) const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
return wouldEvictLocked(client, /*returnIncompatibleClients*/true);
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::wouldEvictLocked(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client,
bool returnIncompatibleClients) const {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>> evictList;
// Disallow null clients, return input
if (client == nullptr) {
return evictList;
const KEY& key = client->getKey();
int32_t cost = client->getCost();
ClientPriority priority = client->getPriority();
int32_t owner = client->getOwnerId();
int64_t totalCost = getCurrentCostLocked() + cost;
// Determine the MRU of the owners tied for having the highest priority
int32_t highestPriorityOwner = owner;
ClientPriority highestPriority = priority;
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
ClientPriority curPriority = i->getPriority();
if (curPriority <= highestPriority) {
highestPriority = curPriority;
highestPriorityOwner = i->getOwnerId();
if (highestPriority == priority) {
// Switch back owner if the incoming client has the highest priority, as it is MRU
highestPriorityOwner = owner;
// Build eviction list of clients to remove
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
const KEY& curKey = i->getKey();
int32_t curCost = i->getCost();
ClientPriority curPriority = i->getPriority();
int32_t curOwner = i->getOwnerId();
bool conflicting = (curKey == key || i->isConflicting(key) ||
if (!returnIncompatibleClients) {
// Find evicted clients
if (conflicting && curPriority < priority) {
// Pre-existing conflicting client with higher priority exists
return evictList;
} else if (conflicting || ((totalCost > mMaxCost && curCost > 0) &&
(curPriority >= priority) &&
!(highestPriorityOwner == owner && owner == curOwner))) {
// Add a pre-existing client to the eviction list if:
// - We are adding a client with higher priority that conflicts with this one.
// - The total cost including the incoming client's is more than the allowable
// maximum, and the client has a non-zero cost, lower priority, and a different
// owner than the incoming client when the incoming client has the
// highest priority.
totalCost -= curCost;
} else {
// Find clients preventing the incoming client from being added
if (curPriority < priority && (conflicting || (totalCost > mMaxCost && curCost > 0))) {
// Pre-existing conflicting client with higher priority exists
// Immediately return the incompatible clients if we are calculating these instead
if (returnIncompatibleClients) {
return evictList;
// If the total cost is too high, return the input unless the input has the highest priority
if (totalCost > mMaxCost && highestPriorityOwner != owner) {
return evictList;
return evictList;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::addAndEvict(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& client) {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
auto evicted = wouldEvictLocked(client);
auto it = evicted.begin();
if (it != evicted.end() && *it == client) {
return evicted;
auto iter = evicted.cbegin();
if (iter != evicted.cend()) {
if (mListener != nullptr) mListener->onClientRemoved(**iter);
// Remove evicted clients from list
mClients.erase(std::remove_if(mClients.begin(), mClients.end(),
[&iter] (std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& curClientPtr) {
if (curClientPtr->getKey() == (*iter)->getKey()) {
return true;
return false;
}), mClients.end());
if (mListener != nullptr) mListener->onClientAdded(*client);
return evicted;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>>
ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::getAll() const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
return mClients;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<KEY> ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::getAllKeys() const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
std::vector<KEY> keys(mClients.size());
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
return keys;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::vector<int32_t> ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::getAllOwners() const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
std::set<int32_t> owners;
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
return std::vector<int32_t>(owners.begin(), owners.end());
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
void ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::updatePriorities(
const std::map<int32_t,ClientPriority>& ownerPriorityList) {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
for (auto& i : mClients) {
auto j = ownerPriorityList.find(i->getOwnerId());
if (j != ownerPriorityList.end()) {
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::get(
const KEY& key) const {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
if (i->getKey() == key) return i;
return std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>(nullptr);
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
void ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::removeAll() {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
if (mListener != nullptr) {
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::remove(
const KEY& key) {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> ret;
// Remove evicted clients from list
mClients.erase(std::remove_if(mClients.begin(), mClients.end(),
[this, &key, &ret] (std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& curClientPtr) {
if (curClientPtr->getKey() == key) {
if (mListener != nullptr) mListener->onClientRemoved(*curClientPtr);
ret = curClientPtr;
return true;
return false;
}), mClients.end());
return ret;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
status_t ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::waitUntilRemoved(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>> client,
nsecs_t timeout) const {
status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
bool isRemoved = false;
// Figure out what time in the future we should hit the timeout
nsecs_t failTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) + timeout;
while (!isRemoved) {
isRemoved = true;
for (const auto& i : mClients) {
if (i == client) {
isRemoved = false;
if (!isRemoved) {
ret = mRemovedCondition.waitRelative(mLock, timeout);
if (ret != NO_ERROR) {
timeout = failTime - systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
return ret;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
void ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::setListener(const std::shared_ptr<LISTENER>& listener) {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
mListener = listener;
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
void ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::remove(
const std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& value) {
Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);
// Remove evicted clients from list
mClients.erase(std::remove_if(mClients.begin(), mClients.end(),
[this, &value] (std::shared_ptr<ClientDescriptor<KEY, VALUE>>& curClientPtr) {
if (curClientPtr == value) {
if (mListener != nullptr) mListener->onClientRemoved(*curClientPtr);
return true;
return false;
}), mClients.end());
template<class KEY, class VALUE, class LISTENER>
int64_t ClientManager<KEY, VALUE, LISTENER>::getCurrentCostLocked() const {
int64_t totalCost = 0;
for (const auto& x : mClients) {
totalCost += x->getCost();
return totalCost;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace resource_policy
}; // namespace android