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* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mntent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <array>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
Don't unmount /storage for early native processes Motivation: Early processes launched before the runtime APEX - that hosts the bionic libs - is activated can't use the bionic libs from the APEX, but from the system partition (which we call the bootstrap bionic). Other processes after the APEX activation should use the bionic libs from the APEX. In order to let both types of processes to access the bionic libs via the same standard paths /system/lib/{libc|libdl|libm}.so, some mount namespace magic is used. To be specific, when the device boots, the init initially bind-mounts the bootstrap bionic libs to the standard paths with MS_PRIVATE. Early processes are then executed with their own mount namespaces (via unshare(CLONE_NEWNS)). After the runtime APEX is activated, init bind-mounts the bionic libs in the APEX to the same standard paths. Processes launched thereafter use the bionic libs from the APEX (which can be updated.) Important thing is that, since the propagation type of the mount points (the standard paths) is 'private', the new bind-mount events for the updated bionic libs should not affect the early processes. Otherwise, they would experience sudden change of bionic libs at runtime. However, other mount/unmounts events outside of the private mount points are still shared across early/late processes as before. This is made possible because the propagation type of / is 'shared' . Problem: vold uses the equality of the mount namespace to filter-out processes that share the global mount namespace (the namespace of the init). However, due to the aforementioned change, the early processes are not filtered out because they have different mount namespaces. As a result, umount2("/storage/") is executed on them and this unmount event becomes visible to the global mount namespace (because as mentioned before / is 'shared'). Solution: Fiter-out the early processes by skipping a native (non-Java) process whose UID is < AID_APP. The former condition is because all early processes are native ones; i.e., zygote is started after the runtime APEX is activated. The latter condition is to not filter-out native processes created locally by apps. Bug: 120266448 Test: m; device boots Change-Id: I054deedc4af8421854cf35be84e14995523a259a
6 years ago
#include <ApexProperties.sysprop.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <async_safe/log.h>
#include <cutils/fs.h>
#include <utils/Trace.h>
#include <selinux/android.h>
#include <sysutils/NetlinkEvent.h>
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h>
#include <fscrypt/fscrypt.h>
#include "AppFuseUtil.h"
#include "Devmapper.h"
#include "FsCrypt.h"
#include "Loop.h"
#include "NetlinkManager.h"
#include "Process.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "VoldNativeService.h"
#include "VoldUtil.h"
#include "VolumeManager.h"
#include "fs/Ext4.h"
#include "fs/Vfat.h"
#include "model/EmulatedVolume.h"
#include "model/ObbVolume.h"
#include "model/PrivateVolume.h"
#include "model/StubVolume.h"
using android::OK;
using android::base::GetBoolProperty;
using android::base::StartsWith;
using android::base::StringAppendF;
using android::base::StringPrintf;
using android::base::unique_fd;
using android::vold::BindMount;
using android::vold::CreateDir;
using android::vold::DeleteDirContents;
using android::vold::DeleteDirContentsAndDir;
using android::vold::IsFilesystemSupported;
using android::vold::PrepareAndroidDirs;
using android::vold::PrepareAppDirFromRoot;
using android::vold::PrivateVolume;
using android::vold::Symlink;
using android::vold::Unlink;
using android::vold::UnmountTree;
using android::vold::VoldNativeService;
using android::vold::VolumeBase;
static const char* kPathUserMount = "/mnt/user";
static const char* kPathVirtualDisk = "/data/misc/vold/virtual_disk";
static const char* kPropVirtualDisk = "persist.sys.virtual_disk";
static const std::string kEmptyString("");
/* 512MiB is large enough for testing purposes */
static const unsigned int kSizeVirtualDisk = 536870912;
static const unsigned int kMajorBlockMmc = 179;
static const unsigned int kMajorBlockExperimentalMin = 240;
static const unsigned int kMajorBlockExperimentalMax = 254;
VolumeManager* VolumeManager::sInstance = NULL;
VolumeManager* VolumeManager::Instance() {
if (!sInstance) sInstance = new VolumeManager();
return sInstance;
VolumeManager::VolumeManager() {
mDebug = false;
mNextObbId = 0;
mNextStubId = 0;
// For security reasons, assume that a secure keyguard is
// showing until we hear otherwise
mSecureKeyguardShowing = true;
VolumeManager::~VolumeManager() {}
int VolumeManager::updateVirtualDisk() {
if (GetBoolProperty(kPropVirtualDisk, false)) {
if (access(kPathVirtualDisk, F_OK) != 0) {
Loop::createImageFile(kPathVirtualDisk, kSizeVirtualDisk / 512);
if (mVirtualDisk == nullptr) {
if (Loop::create(kPathVirtualDisk, mVirtualDiskPath) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create virtual disk";
return -1;
struct stat buf;
if (stat(mVirtualDiskPath.c_str(), &buf) < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to stat " << mVirtualDiskPath;
return -1;
auto disk = new android::vold::Disk(
"virtual", buf.st_rdev, "virtual",
android::vold::Disk::Flags::kAdoptable | android::vold::Disk::Flags::kSd);
mVirtualDisk = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::Disk>(disk);
} else {
if (mVirtualDisk != nullptr) {
dev_t device = mVirtualDisk->getDevice();
mVirtualDisk = nullptr;
if (access(kPathVirtualDisk, F_OK) == 0) {
return 0;
int VolumeManager::setDebug(bool enable) {
mDebug = enable;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::start() {
// Always start from a clean slate by unmounting everything in
// directories that we own, in case we crashed.
// Assume that we always have an emulated volume on internal
// storage; the framework will decide if it should be mounted.
auto vol = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase>(
new android::vold::EmulatedVolume("/data/media", 0));
// Consider creating a virtual disk
return 0;
int VolumeManager::stop() {
for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
return 0;
void VolumeManager::handleBlockEvent(NetlinkEvent* evt) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
if (mDebug) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "----------------";
LOG(DEBUG) << "handleBlockEvent with action " << (int)evt->getAction();
std::string eventPath(evt->findParam("DEVPATH") ? evt->findParam("DEVPATH") : "");
std::string devType(evt->findParam("DEVTYPE") ? evt->findParam("DEVTYPE") : "");
if (devType != "disk") return;
int major = std::stoi(evt->findParam("MAJOR"));
int minor = std::stoi(evt->findParam("MINOR"));
dev_t device = makedev(major, minor);
switch (evt->getAction()) {
case NetlinkEvent::Action::kAdd: {
for (const auto& source : mDiskSources) {
if (source->matches(eventPath)) {
// For now, assume that MMC and virtio-blk (the latter is
// emulator-specific; see Disk.cpp for details) devices are SD,
// and that everything else is USB
int flags = source->getFlags();
if (major == kMajorBlockMmc || (android::vold::IsRunningInEmulator() &&
major >= (int)kMajorBlockExperimentalMin &&
major <= (int)kMajorBlockExperimentalMax)) {
flags |= android::vold::Disk::Flags::kSd;
} else {
flags |= android::vold::Disk::Flags::kUsb;
auto disk =
new android::vold::Disk(eventPath, device, source->getNickname(), flags);
case NetlinkEvent::Action::kChange: {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Disk at " << major << ":" << minor << " changed";
case NetlinkEvent::Action::kRemove: {
default: {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected block event action " << (int)evt->getAction();
void VolumeManager::handleDiskAdded(const std::shared_ptr<android::vold::Disk>& disk) {
// For security reasons, if secure keyguard is showing, wait
// until the user unlocks the device to actually touch it
// Additionally, wait until user 0 is actually started, since we need
// the user to be up before we can mount a FUSE daemon to handle the disk.
bool userZeroStarted = mStartedUsers.find(0) != mStartedUsers.end();
if (mSecureKeyguardShowing) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found disk at " << disk->getEventPath()
<< " but delaying scan due to secure keyguard";
} else if (!userZeroStarted) {
LOG(INFO) << "Found disk at " << disk->getEventPath()
<< " but delaying scan due to user zero not having started";
} else {
void VolumeManager::handleDiskChanged(dev_t device) {
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
if (disk->getDevice() == device) {
// For security reasons, we ignore all pending disks, since
// we'll scan them once the device is unlocked
void VolumeManager::handleDiskRemoved(dev_t device) {
auto i = mDisks.begin();
while (i != mDisks.end()) {
if ((*i)->getDevice() == device) {
i = mDisks.erase(i);
} else {
auto j = mPendingDisks.begin();
while (j != mPendingDisks.end()) {
if ((*j)->getDevice() == device) {
j = mPendingDisks.erase(j);
} else {
void VolumeManager::addDiskSource(const std::shared_ptr<DiskSource>& diskSource) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
std::shared_ptr<android::vold::Disk> VolumeManager::findDisk(const std::string& id) {
for (auto disk : mDisks) {
if (disk->getId() == id) {
return disk;
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase> VolumeManager::findVolume(const std::string& id) {
for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
if (vol->getId() == id) {
return vol;
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
auto vol = disk->findVolume(id);
if (vol != nullptr) {
return vol;
for (const auto& vol : mObbVolumes) {
if (vol->getId() == id) {
return vol;
return nullptr;
void VolumeManager::listVolumes(android::vold::VolumeBase::Type type,
std::list<std::string>& list) const {
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
disk->listVolumes(type, list);
int VolumeManager::forgetPartition(const std::string& partGuid, const std::string& fsUuid) {
std::string normalizedGuid;
if (android::vold::NormalizeHex(partGuid, normalizedGuid)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid GUID " << partGuid;
return -1;
bool success = true;
std::string keyPath = android::vold::BuildKeyPath(normalizedGuid);
if (unlink(keyPath.c_str()) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unlink " << keyPath;
success = false;
if (fscrypt_is_native()) {
if (!fscrypt_destroy_volume_keys(fsUuid)) {
success = false;
return success ? 0 : -1;
int VolumeManager::linkPrimary(userid_t userId) {
if (!GetBoolProperty(android::vold::kPropFuse, false)) {
std::string source(mPrimary->getPath());
if (mPrimary->isEmulated()) {
source = StringPrintf("%s/%d", source.c_str(), userId);
fs_prepare_dir(source.c_str(), 0755, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT);
std::string target(StringPrintf("/mnt/user/%d/primary", userId));
LOG(DEBUG) << "Linking " << source << " to " << target;
Symlink(source, target);
return 0;
void VolumeManager::destroyEmulatedVolumesForUser(userid_t userId) {
// Destroy and remove all unstacked EmulatedVolumes for the user
auto i = mInternalEmulatedVolumes.begin();
while (i != mInternalEmulatedVolumes.end()) {
auto vol = *i;
if (vol->getMountUserId() == userId) {
i = mInternalEmulatedVolumes.erase(i);
} else {
// Destroy and remove all stacked EmulatedVolumes for the user on each mounted private volume
std::list<std::string> private_vols;
listVolumes(VolumeBase::Type::kPrivate, private_vols);
for (const std::string& id : private_vols) {
PrivateVolume* pvol = static_cast<PrivateVolume*>(findVolume(id).get());
std::list<std::shared_ptr<VolumeBase>> vols_to_remove;
if (pvol->getState() == VolumeBase::State::kMounted) {
for (const auto& vol : pvol->getVolumes()) {
if (vol->getMountUserId() == userId) {
for (const auto& vol : vols_to_remove) {
} // else EmulatedVolumes will be destroyed on VolumeBase#unmount
void VolumeManager::createEmulatedVolumesForUser(userid_t userId) {
// Create unstacked EmulatedVolumes for the user
auto vol = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase>(
new android::vold::EmulatedVolume("/data/media", userId));
// Create stacked EmulatedVolumes for the user on each PrivateVolume
std::list<std::string> private_vols;
listVolumes(VolumeBase::Type::kPrivate, private_vols);
for (const std::string& id : private_vols) {
PrivateVolume* pvol = static_cast<PrivateVolume*>(findVolume(id).get());
if (pvol->getState() == VolumeBase::State::kMounted) {
auto evol =
std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase>(new android::vold::EmulatedVolume(
pvol->getPath() + "/media", pvol->getRawDevice(), pvol->getFsUuid(),
} // else EmulatedVolumes will be created per user when on PrivateVolume#doMount
int VolumeManager::onUserAdded(userid_t userId, int userSerialNumber) {
LOG(INFO) << "onUserAdded: " << userId;
mAddedUsers[userId] = userSerialNumber;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::onUserRemoved(userid_t userId) {
LOG(INFO) << "onUserRemoved: " << userId;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::onUserStarted(userid_t userId) {
LOG(INFO) << "onUserStarted: " << userId;
if (mStartedUsers.find(userId) == mStartedUsers.end()) {
if (!GetBoolProperty(android::vold::kPropFuse, false)) {
// Note that sometimes the system will spin up processes from Zygote
// before actually starting the user, so we're okay if Zygote
// already created this directory.
std::string path(StringPrintf("%s/%d", kPathUserMount, userId));
fs_prepare_dir(path.c_str(), 0755, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT);
if (mPrimary) {
return 0;
int VolumeManager::onUserStopped(userid_t userId) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "onUserStopped: " << userId;
if (mStartedUsers.find(userId) != mStartedUsers.end()) {
return 0;
void VolumeManager::createPendingDisksIfNeeded() {
bool userZeroStarted = mStartedUsers.find(0) != mStartedUsers.end();
if (!mSecureKeyguardShowing && userZeroStarted) {
// Now that secure keyguard has been dismissed and user 0 has
// started, process any pending disks
for (const auto& disk : mPendingDisks) {
int VolumeManager::onSecureKeyguardStateChanged(bool isShowing) {
mSecureKeyguardShowing = isShowing;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::setPrimary(const std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase>& vol) {
mPrimary = vol;
for (userid_t userId : mStartedUsers) {
return 0;
// This code is executed after a fork so it's very important that the set of
// methods we call here is strictly limited.
// TODO: Get rid of this guesswork altogether and instead exec a process
// immediately after fork to do our bindding for us.
static bool childProcess(const char* storageSource, const char* userSource, int nsFd,
struct dirent* de) {
if (setns(nsFd, CLONE_NEWNS) != 0) {
async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "vold", "Failed to setns for %s :%s", de->d_name,
return false;
// NOTE: Inlined from vold::UnmountTree here to avoid using PLOG methods and
// to also protect against future changes that may cause issues across a
// fork.
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(umount2("/storage/", MNT_DETACH)) < 0 && errno != EINVAL &&
errno != ENOENT) {
async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "vold", "Failed to unmount /storage/ :%s",
return false;
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(storageSource, "/storage", NULL, MS_BIND | MS_REC, NULL)) == -1) {
async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "vold", "Failed to mount %s for %s :%s",
storageSource, de->d_name, strerror(errno));
return false;
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(NULL, "/storage", NULL, MS_REC | MS_SLAVE, NULL)) == -1) {
async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "vold",
"Failed to set MS_SLAVE to /storage for %s :%s", de->d_name,
return false;
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(mount(userSource, "/storage/self", NULL, MS_BIND, NULL)) == -1) {
async_safe_format_log(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "vold", "Failed to mount %s for %s :%s",
userSource, de->d_name, strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
int VolumeManager::remountUid(uid_t uid, int32_t mountMode) {
if (GetBoolProperty(android::vold::kPropFuse, false)) {
// TODO(135341433): Implement fuse specific logic.
return 0;
std::string mode;
switch (mountMode) {
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_NONE:
mode = "none";
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_DEFAULT:
mode = "default";
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_READ:
mode = "read";
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_WRITE:
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_LEGACY:
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_INSTALLER:
mode = "write";
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_FULL:
mode = "full";
case VoldNativeService::REMOUNT_MODE_PASS_THROUGH:
mode = "pass_through";
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unknown mode " << std::to_string(mountMode);
return -1;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Remounting " << uid << " as mode " << mode;
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* de;
std::string rootName;
std::string pidName;
int pidFd;
int nsFd;
struct stat sb;
pid_t child;
std::string userSource;
std::string storageSource;
Don't unmount /storage for early native processes Motivation: Early processes launched before the runtime APEX - that hosts the bionic libs - is activated can't use the bionic libs from the APEX, but from the system partition (which we call the bootstrap bionic). Other processes after the APEX activation should use the bionic libs from the APEX. In order to let both types of processes to access the bionic libs via the same standard paths /system/lib/{libc|libdl|libm}.so, some mount namespace magic is used. To be specific, when the device boots, the init initially bind-mounts the bootstrap bionic libs to the standard paths with MS_PRIVATE. Early processes are then executed with their own mount namespaces (via unshare(CLONE_NEWNS)). After the runtime APEX is activated, init bind-mounts the bionic libs in the APEX to the same standard paths. Processes launched thereafter use the bionic libs from the APEX (which can be updated.) Important thing is that, since the propagation type of the mount points (the standard paths) is 'private', the new bind-mount events for the updated bionic libs should not affect the early processes. Otherwise, they would experience sudden change of bionic libs at runtime. However, other mount/unmounts events outside of the private mount points are still shared across early/late processes as before. This is made possible because the propagation type of / is 'shared' . Problem: vold uses the equality of the mount namespace to filter-out processes that share the global mount namespace (the namespace of the init). However, due to the aforementioned change, the early processes are not filtered out because they have different mount namespaces. As a result, umount2("/storage/") is executed on them and this unmount event becomes visible to the global mount namespace (because as mentioned before / is 'shared'). Solution: Fiter-out the early processes by skipping a native (non-Java) process whose UID is < AID_APP. The former condition is because all early processes are native ones; i.e., zygote is started after the runtime APEX is activated. The latter condition is to not filter-out native processes created locally by apps. Bug: 120266448 Test: m; device boots Change-Id: I054deedc4af8421854cf35be84e14995523a259a
6 years ago
static bool apexUpdatable = android::sysprop::ApexProperties::updatable().value_or(false);
if (!(dir = opendir("/proc"))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to opendir";
return -1;
// Figure out root namespace to compare against below
if (!android::vold::Readlinkat(dirfd(dir), "1/ns/mnt", &rootName)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read root namespace";
return -1;
// Poke through all running PIDs look for apps running as UID
while ((de = readdir(dir))) {
pid_t pid;
if (de->d_type != DT_DIR) continue;
if (!android::base::ParseInt(de->d_name, &pid)) continue;
pidFd = -1;
nsFd = -1;
pidFd = openat(dirfd(dir), de->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (pidFd < 0) {
goto next;
if (fstat(pidFd, &sb) != 0) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to stat " << de->d_name;
goto next;
if (sb.st_uid != uid) {
goto next;
// Matches so far, but refuse to touch if in root namespace
LOG(DEBUG) << "Found matching PID " << de->d_name;
if (!android::vold::Readlinkat(pidFd, "ns/mnt", &pidName)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read namespace for " << de->d_name;
goto next;
if (rootName == pidName) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping due to root namespace";
goto next;
Don't unmount /storage for early native processes Motivation: Early processes launched before the runtime APEX - that hosts the bionic libs - is activated can't use the bionic libs from the APEX, but from the system partition (which we call the bootstrap bionic). Other processes after the APEX activation should use the bionic libs from the APEX. In order to let both types of processes to access the bionic libs via the same standard paths /system/lib/{libc|libdl|libm}.so, some mount namespace magic is used. To be specific, when the device boots, the init initially bind-mounts the bootstrap bionic libs to the standard paths with MS_PRIVATE. Early processes are then executed with their own mount namespaces (via unshare(CLONE_NEWNS)). After the runtime APEX is activated, init bind-mounts the bionic libs in the APEX to the same standard paths. Processes launched thereafter use the bionic libs from the APEX (which can be updated.) Important thing is that, since the propagation type of the mount points (the standard paths) is 'private', the new bind-mount events for the updated bionic libs should not affect the early processes. Otherwise, they would experience sudden change of bionic libs at runtime. However, other mount/unmounts events outside of the private mount points are still shared across early/late processes as before. This is made possible because the propagation type of / is 'shared' . Problem: vold uses the equality of the mount namespace to filter-out processes that share the global mount namespace (the namespace of the init). However, due to the aforementioned change, the early processes are not filtered out because they have different mount namespaces. As a result, umount2("/storage/") is executed on them and this unmount event becomes visible to the global mount namespace (because as mentioned before / is 'shared'). Solution: Fiter-out the early processes by skipping a native (non-Java) process whose UID is < AID_APP. The former condition is because all early processes are native ones; i.e., zygote is started after the runtime APEX is activated. The latter condition is to not filter-out native processes created locally by apps. Bug: 120266448 Test: m; device boots Change-Id: I054deedc4af8421854cf35be84e14995523a259a
6 years ago
if (apexUpdatable) {
std::string exeName;
// When ro.apex.bionic_updatable is set to true,
// some early native processes have mount namespaces that are different
// from that of the init. Therefore, above check can't filter them out.
// Since the propagation type of / is 'shared', unmounting /storage
// for the early native processes affects other processes including
// init. Filter out such processes by skipping if a process is a
// non-Java process whose UID is < AID_APP_START. (The UID condition
// is required to not filter out child processes spawned by apps.)
if (!android::vold::Readlinkat(pidFd, "exe", &exeName)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read exe name for " << de->d_name;
goto next;
if (!StartsWith(exeName, "/system/bin/app_process") && sb.st_uid < AID_APP_START) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping due to native system process";
goto next;
// We purposefully leave the namespace open across the fork
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(android-cloexec-open): Deliberately not O_CLOEXEC
nsFd = openat(pidFd, "ns/mnt", O_RDONLY);
if (nsFd < 0) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open namespace for " << de->d_name;
goto next;
if (mode == "default") {
storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/default";
} else if (mode == "read") {
storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/read";
} else if (mode == "write") {
storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/write";
} else if (mode == "full") {
storageSource = "/mnt/runtime/full";
} else {
// Sane default of no storage visible. No need to fork a child
// to remount uid.
goto next;
// Mount user-specific symlink helper into place
userSource = StringPrintf("/mnt/user/%d", multiuser_get_user_id(uid));
if (!(child = fork())) {
if (childProcess(storageSource.c_str(), userSource.c_str(), nsFd, de)) {
} else {
if (child == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to fork";
goto next;
} else {
TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(child, nullptr, 0));
return 0;
int VolumeManager::reset() {
// Tear down all existing disks/volumes and start from a blank slate so
// newly connected framework hears all events.
for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
return 0;
// Can be called twice (sequentially) during shutdown. should be safe for that.
int VolumeManager::shutdown() {
if (mInternalEmulatedVolumes.empty()) {
return 0; // already shutdown
android::vold::sSleepOnUnmount = false;
for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
android::vold::sSleepOnUnmount = true;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::unmountAll() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
// First, try gracefully unmounting all known devices
for (const auto& vol : mInternalEmulatedVolumes) {
for (const auto& disk : mDisks) {
// Worst case we might have some stale mounts lurking around, so
// force unmount those just to be safe.
FILE* fp = setmntent("/proc/mounts", "re");
if (fp == NULL) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open /proc/mounts";
return -errno;
// Some volumes can be stacked on each other, so force unmount in
// reverse order to give us the best chance of success.
std::list<std::string> toUnmount;
mntent* mentry;
while ((mentry = getmntent(fp)) != NULL) {
auto test = std::string(mentry->mnt_dir);
if ((StartsWith(test, "/mnt/") &&
!StartsWith(test, "/mnt/scratch") &&
!StartsWith(test, "/mnt/vendor") && !StartsWith(test, "/mnt/product") &&
!StartsWith(test, "/mnt/installer")) ||
StartsWith(test, "/storage/")) {
for (const auto& path : toUnmount) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Tearing down stale mount " << path;
return 0;
int VolumeManager::setupAppDir(const std::string& path, int32_t appUid) {
// Only offer to create directories for paths managed by vold
if (!StartsWith(path, "/storage/")) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find mounted volume for " << path;
return -EINVAL;
// Find the volume it belongs to
auto filter_fn = [&](const VolumeBase& vol) {
if (vol.getState() != VolumeBase::State::kMounted) {
// The volume must be mounted
return false;
if ((vol.getMountFlags() & VolumeBase::MountFlags::kVisible) == 0) {
// and visible
return false;
if (vol.getInternalPath().empty()) {
return false;
if (vol.getMountUserId() != USER_UNKNOWN &&
vol.getMountUserId() != multiuser_get_user_id(appUid)) {
// The app dir must be created on a volume with the same user-id
return false;
if (!path.empty() && StartsWith(path, vol.getPath())) {
return true;
return false;
auto volume = findVolumeWithFilter(filter_fn);
if (volume == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find mounted volume for " << path;
return -EINVAL;
// Convert paths to lower filesystem paths to avoid making FUSE requests for these reasons:
// 1. A FUSE request from vold puts vold at risk of hanging if the FUSE daemon is down
// 2. The FUSE daemon prevents requests on /mnt/user/0/emulated/<userid != 0> and a request
// on /storage/emulated/10 means /mnt/user/0/emulated/10
const std::string lowerPath =
volume->getInternalPath() + path.substr(volume->getPath().length());
const std::string volumeRoot = volume->getRootPath(); // eg /data/media/0
// Create the app paths we need from the root
return PrepareAppDirFromRoot(lowerPath, volumeRoot, appUid);
int VolumeManager::createObb(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& sourceKey,
int32_t ownerGid, std::string* outVolId) {
int id = mNextObbId++;
auto vol = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::VolumeBase>(
new android::vold::ObbVolume(id, sourcePath, sourceKey, ownerGid));
*outVolId = vol->getId();
return android::OK;
int VolumeManager::destroyObb(const std::string& volId) {
auto i = mObbVolumes.begin();
while (i != mObbVolumes.end()) {
if ((*i)->getId() == volId) {
i = mObbVolumes.erase(i);
} else {
return android::OK;
int VolumeManager::createStubVolume(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& mountPath,
const std::string& fsType, const std::string& fsUuid,
const std::string& fsLabel, int32_t flags,
std::string* outVolId) {
dev_t stubId = --mNextStubId;
auto vol = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::StubVolume>(
new android::vold::StubVolume(stubId, sourcePath, mountPath, fsType, fsUuid, fsLabel));
int32_t passedFlags = android::vold::Disk::Flags::kStub;
passedFlags |= (flags & android::vold::Disk::Flags::kUsb);
passedFlags |= (flags & android::vold::Disk::Flags::kSd);
// StubDisk doesn't have device node corresponds to it. So, a fake device
// number is used.
auto disk = std::shared_ptr<android::vold::Disk>(
new android::vold::Disk("stub", stubId, "stub", passedFlags));
*outVolId = vol->getId();
return android::OK;
int VolumeManager::destroyStubVolume(const std::string& volId) {
auto tokens = android::base::Split(volId, ":");
CHECK(tokens.size() == 2);
dev_t stubId;
CHECK(android::base::ParseUint(tokens[1], &stubId));
return android::OK;
int VolumeManager::mountAppFuse(uid_t uid, int mountId, unique_fd* device_fd) {
return android::vold::MountAppFuse(uid, mountId, device_fd);
int VolumeManager::unmountAppFuse(uid_t uid, int mountId) {
return android::vold::UnmountAppFuse(uid, mountId);
int VolumeManager::openAppFuseFile(uid_t uid, int mountId, int fileId, int flags) {
return android::vold::OpenAppFuseFile(uid, mountId, fileId, flags);