/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "KeyUtil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KeyStorage.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace android { namespace vold { // ext4enc:TODO get this const from somewhere good const int EXT4_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE = 8; // ext4enc:TODO Include structure from somewhere sensible // MUST be in sync with ext4_crypto.c in kernel constexpr int EXT4_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS = 1; constexpr int EXT4_AES_256_XTS_KEY_SIZE = 64; constexpr int EXT4_MAX_KEY_SIZE = 64; struct ext4_encryption_key { uint32_t mode; char raw[EXT4_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; uint32_t size; }; bool randomKey(KeyBuffer* key) { *key = KeyBuffer(EXT4_AES_256_XTS_KEY_SIZE); if (ReadRandomBytes(key->size(), key->data()) != 0) { // TODO status_t plays badly with PLOG, fix it. LOG(ERROR) << "Random read failed"; return false; } return true; } // Get raw keyref - used to make keyname and to pass to ioctl static std::string generateKeyRef(const char* key, int length) { SHA512_CTX c; SHA512_Init(&c); SHA512_Update(&c, key, length); unsigned char key_ref1[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA512_Final(key_ref1, &c); SHA512_Init(&c); SHA512_Update(&c, key_ref1, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH); unsigned char key_ref2[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA512_Final(key_ref2, &c); static_assert(EXT4_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE <= SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, "Hash too short for descriptor"); return std::string((char*)key_ref2, EXT4_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE); } static bool fillKey(const KeyBuffer& key, ext4_encryption_key* ext4_key) { if (key.size() != EXT4_AES_256_XTS_KEY_SIZE) { LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong size key " << key.size(); return false; } static_assert(EXT4_AES_256_XTS_KEY_SIZE <= sizeof(ext4_key->raw), "Key too long!"); ext4_key->mode = EXT4_ENCRYPTION_MODE_AES_256_XTS; ext4_key->size = key.size(); memset(ext4_key->raw, 0, sizeof(ext4_key->raw)); memcpy(ext4_key->raw, key.data(), key.size()); return true; } static char const* const NAME_PREFIXES[] = {"ext4", "f2fs", "fscrypt", nullptr}; static std::string keyname(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& raw_ref) { std::ostringstream o; o << prefix << ":"; for (unsigned char i : raw_ref) { o << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)i; } return o.str(); } // Get the keyring we store all keys in static bool e4cryptKeyring(key_serial_t* device_keyring) { *device_keyring = keyctl_search(KEY_SPEC_SESSION_KEYRING, "keyring", "e4crypt", 0); if (*device_keyring == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find device keyring"; return false; } return true; } // Install password into global keyring // Return raw key reference for use in policy bool installKey(const KeyBuffer& key, std::string* raw_ref) { // Place ext4_encryption_key into automatically zeroing buffer. KeyBuffer ext4KeyBuffer(sizeof(ext4_encryption_key)); ext4_encryption_key& ext4_key = *reinterpret_cast(ext4KeyBuffer.data()); if (!fillKey(key, &ext4_key)) return false; *raw_ref = generateKeyRef(ext4_key.raw, ext4_key.size); key_serial_t device_keyring; if (!e4cryptKeyring(&device_keyring)) return false; for (char const* const* name_prefix = NAME_PREFIXES; *name_prefix != nullptr; name_prefix++) { auto ref = keyname(*name_prefix, *raw_ref); key_serial_t key_id = add_key("logon", ref.c_str(), (void*)&ext4_key, sizeof(ext4_key), device_keyring); if (key_id == -1) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to insert key into keyring " << device_keyring; return false; } LOG(DEBUG) << "Added key " << key_id << " (" << ref << ") to keyring " << device_keyring << " in process " << getpid(); } return true; } bool evictKey(const std::string& raw_ref) { key_serial_t device_keyring; if (!e4cryptKeyring(&device_keyring)) return false; bool success = true; for (char const* const* name_prefix = NAME_PREFIXES; *name_prefix != nullptr; name_prefix++) { auto ref = keyname(*name_prefix, raw_ref); auto key_serial = keyctl_search(device_keyring, "logon", ref.c_str(), 0); // Unlink the key from the keyring. Prefer unlinking to revoking or // invalidating, since unlinking is actually no less secure currently, and // it avoids bugs in certain kernel versions where the keyring key is // referenced from places it shouldn't be. if (keyctl_unlink(key_serial, device_keyring) != 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to unlink key with serial " << key_serial << " ref " << ref; success = false; } else { LOG(DEBUG) << "Unlinked key with serial " << key_serial << " ref " << ref; } } return success; } bool retrieveAndInstallKey(bool create_if_absent, const KeyAuthentication& key_authentication, const std::string& key_path, const std::string& tmp_path, std::string* key_ref) { KeyBuffer key; if (pathExists(key_path)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Key exists, using: " << key_path; if (!retrieveKey(key_path, key_authentication, &key)) return false; } else { if (!create_if_absent) { LOG(ERROR) << "No key found in " << key_path; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Creating new key in " << key_path; if (!randomKey(&key)) return false; if (!storeKeyAtomically(key_path, tmp_path, key_authentication, key)) return false; } if (!installKey(key, key_ref)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install key in " << key_path; return false; } return true; } bool retrieveKey(bool create_if_absent, const std::string& key_path, const std::string& tmp_path, KeyBuffer* key) { if (pathExists(key_path)) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Key exists, using: " << key_path; if (!retrieveKey(key_path, kEmptyAuthentication, key)) return false; } else { if (!create_if_absent) { LOG(ERROR) << "No key found in " << key_path; return false; } LOG(INFO) << "Creating new key in " << key_path; if (!randomKey(key)) return false; if (!storeKeyAtomically(key_path, tmp_path, kEmptyAuthentication, *key)) return false; } return true; } } // namespace vold } // namespace android