/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define ATRACE_TAG ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER #include "VoldNativeService.h" #include "VolumeManager.h" #include "Benchmark.h" #include "MoveStorage.h" #include "Process.h" #include "IdleMaint.h" #include "cryptfs.h" #include "Ext4Crypt.h" #include "MetadataCrypt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using android::base::StringPrintf; using std::endl; namespace android { namespace vold { namespace { constexpr const char* kDump = "android.permission.DUMP"; static binder::Status ok() { return binder::Status::ok(); } static binder::Status exception(uint32_t code, const std::string& msg) { return binder::Status::fromExceptionCode(code, String8(msg.c_str())); } static binder::Status error(const std::string& msg) { PLOG(ERROR) << msg; return binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(errno, String8(msg.c_str())); } static binder::Status translate(int status) { if (status == 0) { return binder::Status::ok(); } else { return binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(status); } } static binder::Status translateBool(bool status) { if (status) { return binder::Status::ok(); } else { return binder::Status::fromServiceSpecificError(status); } } binder::Status checkPermission(const char* permission) { pid_t pid; uid_t uid; if (checkCallingPermission(String16(permission), reinterpret_cast(&pid), reinterpret_cast(&uid))) { return ok(); } else { return exception(binder::Status::EX_SECURITY, StringPrintf("UID %d / PID %d lacks permission %s", uid, pid, permission)); } } binder::Status checkUid(uid_t expectedUid) { uid_t uid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid(); if (uid == expectedUid || uid == AID_ROOT) { return ok(); } else { return exception(binder::Status::EX_SECURITY, StringPrintf("UID %d is not expected UID %d", uid, expectedUid)); } } binder::Status checkArgumentId(const std::string& id) { if (id.empty()) { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Missing ID"); } for (const char& c : id) { if (!std::isalnum(c) && c != ':' && c != ',') { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, StringPrintf("ID %s is malformed", id.c_str())); } } return ok(); } binder::Status checkArgumentPath(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty()) { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "Missing path"); } if (path[0] != '/') { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, StringPrintf("Path %s is relative", path.c_str())); } if ((path + '/').find("/../") != std::string::npos) { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, StringPrintf("Path %s is shady", path.c_str())); } for (const char& c : path) { if (c == '\0' || c == '\n') { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, StringPrintf("Path %s is malformed", path.c_str())); } } return ok(); } binder::Status checkArgumentHex(const std::string& hex) { // Empty hex strings are allowed for (const char& c : hex) { if (!std::isxdigit(c) && c != ':' && c != '-') { return exception(binder::Status::EX_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, StringPrintf("Hex %s is malformed", hex.c_str())); } } return ok(); } #define ENFORCE_UID(uid) { \ binder::Status status = checkUid((uid)); \ if (!status.isOk()) { \ return status; \ } \ } #define CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(id) { \ binder::Status status = checkArgumentId((id)); \ if (!status.isOk()) { \ return status; \ } \ } #define CHECK_ARGUMENT_PATH(path) { \ binder::Status status = checkArgumentPath((path)); \ if (!status.isOk()) { \ return status; \ } \ } #define CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(hex) { \ binder::Status status = checkArgumentHex((hex)); \ if (!status.isOk()) { \ return status; \ } \ } #define ACQUIRE_LOCK \ std::lock_guard lock(VolumeManager::Instance()->getLock()); \ ATRACE_CALL(); #define ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK \ std::lock_guard lock(VolumeManager::Instance()->getCryptLock()); \ ATRACE_CALL(); } // namespace status_t VoldNativeService::start() { IPCThreadState::self()->disableBackgroundScheduling(true); status_t ret = BinderService::publish(); if (ret != android::OK) { return ret; } sp ps(ProcessState::self()); ps->startThreadPool(); ps->giveThreadPoolName(); return android::OK; } status_t VoldNativeService::dump(int fd, const Vector & /* args */) { auto out = std::fstream(StringPrintf("/proc/self/fd/%d", fd)); const binder::Status dump_permission = checkPermission(kDump); if (!dump_permission.isOk()) { out << dump_permission.toString8() << endl; return PERMISSION_DENIED; } ACQUIRE_LOCK; out << "vold is happy!" << endl; out.flush(); return NO_ERROR; } binder::Status VoldNativeService::setListener( const android::sp& listener) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; VolumeManager::Instance()->setListener(listener); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::monitor() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); // Simply acquire/release each lock for watchdog { ACQUIRE_LOCK; } { ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; } return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::reset() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->reset()); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::shutdown() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->shutdown()); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::mountAll() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; struct fstab* fstab = fs_mgr_read_fstab_default(); int res = fs_mgr_mount_all(fstab, MOUNT_MODE_DEFAULT); fs_mgr_free_fstab(fstab); return translate(res); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::onUserAdded(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->onUserAdded(userId, userSerial)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::onUserRemoved(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->onUserRemoved(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::onUserStarted(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->onUserStarted(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::onUserStopped(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->onUserStopped(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::partition(const std::string& diskId, int32_t partitionType, int32_t ratio) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(diskId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; auto disk = VolumeManager::Instance()->findDisk(diskId); if (disk == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find disk " + diskId); } switch (partitionType) { case PARTITION_TYPE_PUBLIC: return translate(disk->partitionPublic()); case PARTITION_TYPE_PRIVATE: return translate(disk->partitionPrivate()); case PARTITION_TYPE_MIXED: return translate(disk->partitionMixed(ratio)); default: return error("Unknown type " + std::to_string(partitionType)); } } binder::Status VoldNativeService::forgetPartition(const std::string& partGuid, const std::string& fsUuid) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(partGuid); CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(fsUuid); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->forgetPartition(partGuid, fsUuid)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::mount(const std::string& volId, int32_t mountFlags, int32_t mountUserId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(volId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; auto vol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(volId); if (vol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + volId); } vol->setMountFlags(mountFlags); vol->setMountUserId(mountUserId); int res = vol->mount(); if ((mountFlags & MOUNT_FLAG_PRIMARY) != 0) { VolumeManager::Instance()->setPrimary(vol); } return translate(res); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::unmount(const std::string& volId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(volId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; auto vol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(volId); if (vol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + volId); } return translate(vol->unmount()); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::format(const std::string& volId, const std::string& fsType) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(volId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; auto vol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(volId); if (vol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + volId); } return translate(vol->format(fsType)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::benchmark(const std::string& volId, const android::sp& listener) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(volId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; std::string path; if (volId == "private" || volId == "null") { path = "/data"; } else { auto vol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(volId); if (vol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + volId); } if (vol->getType() != VolumeBase::Type::kPrivate) { return error("Volume " + volId + " not private"); } if (vol->getState() != VolumeBase::State::kMounted) { return error("Volume " + volId + " not mounted"); } path = vol->getPath(); } if (path.empty()) { return error("Volume " + volId + " missing path"); } std::thread([=]() { android::vold::Benchmark(path, listener); }).detach(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::moveStorage(const std::string& fromVolId, const std::string& toVolId, const android::sp& listener) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(fromVolId); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(toVolId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; auto fromVol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(fromVolId); auto toVol = VolumeManager::Instance()->findVolume(toVolId); if (fromVol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + fromVolId); } else if (toVol == nullptr) { return error("Failed to find volume " + toVolId); } std::thread([=]() { android::vold::MoveStorage(fromVol, toVol, listener); }).detach(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::remountUid(int32_t uid, int32_t remountMode) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; std::string tmp; switch (remountMode) { case REMOUNT_MODE_NONE: tmp = "none"; break; case REMOUNT_MODE_DEFAULT: tmp = "default"; break; case REMOUNT_MODE_READ: tmp = "read"; break; case REMOUNT_MODE_WRITE: tmp = "write"; break; default: return error("Unknown mode " + std::to_string(remountMode)); } return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->remountUid(uid, tmp)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::mkdirs(const std::string& path) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_PATH(path); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->mkdirs(path)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::createObb(const std::string& sourcePath, const std::string& sourceKey, int32_t ownerGid, std::string* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_PATH(sourcePath); CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(sourceKey); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate( VolumeManager::Instance()->createObb(sourcePath, sourceKey, ownerGid, _aidl_return)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::destroyObb(const std::string& volId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_ID(volId); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->destroyObb(volId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fstrim(int32_t fstrimFlags, const android::sp& listener) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; std::thread([=]() { android::vold::Trim(listener); }).detach(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::mountAppFuse(int32_t uid, int32_t pid, int32_t mountId, android::base::unique_fd* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->mountAppFuse(uid, pid, mountId, _aidl_return)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::unmountAppFuse(int32_t uid, int32_t pid, int32_t mountId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_LOCK; return translate(VolumeManager::Instance()->unmountAppFuse(uid, pid, mountId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeCheckPassword(const std::string& password) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translate(cryptfs_check_passwd(password.c_str())); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeRestart() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; // Spawn as thread so init can issue commands back to vold without // causing deadlock, usually as a result of prep_data_fs. std::thread(&cryptfs_restart).detach(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeComplete(int32_t* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; *_aidl_return = cryptfs_crypto_complete(); return ok(); } static int fdeEnableInternal(int32_t passwordType, const std::string& password, int32_t encryptionFlags) { bool noUi = (encryptionFlags & VoldNativeService::ENCRYPTION_FLAG_NO_UI) != 0; std::string how; if ((encryptionFlags & VoldNativeService::ENCRYPTION_FLAG_IN_PLACE) != 0) { how = "inplace"; } else if ((encryptionFlags & VoldNativeService::ENCRYPTION_FLAG_WIPE) != 0) { how = "wipe"; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Missing encryption flag"; return -1; } for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; ++tries) { int rc; if (passwordType == VoldNativeService::PASSWORD_TYPE_DEFAULT) { rc = cryptfs_enable_default(how.c_str(), noUi); } else { rc = cryptfs_enable(how.c_str(), passwordType, password.c_str(), noUi); } if (rc == 0) { return 0; } else if (tries == 0) { KillProcessesWithOpenFiles(DATA_MNT_POINT, SIGKILL); } } return -1; } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeEnable(int32_t passwordType, const std::string& password, int32_t encryptionFlags) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; if (e4crypt_is_native()) { if (passwordType != PASSWORD_TYPE_DEFAULT) { return error("Unexpected password type"); } if (encryptionFlags != (ENCRYPTION_FLAG_IN_PLACE | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_NO_UI)) { return error("Unexpected flags"); } return translateBool(e4crypt_enable_crypto()); } // Spawn as thread so init can issue commands back to vold without // causing deadlock, usually as a result of prep_data_fs. std::thread(&fdeEnableInternal, passwordType, password, encryptionFlags).detach(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeChangePassword(int32_t passwordType, const std::string& password) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translate(cryptfs_changepw(passwordType, password.c_str())); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeVerifyPassword(const std::string& password) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translate(cryptfs_verify_passwd(password.c_str())); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeGetField(const std::string& key, std::string* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; char buf[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; if (cryptfs_getfield(key.c_str(), buf, sizeof(buf)) != CRYPTO_GETFIELD_OK) { return error(StringPrintf("Failed to read field %s", key.c_str())); } else { *_aidl_return = buf; return ok(); } } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeSetField(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translate(cryptfs_setfield(key.c_str(), value.c_str())); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeGetPasswordType(int32_t* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; *_aidl_return = cryptfs_get_password_type(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeGetPassword(std::string* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; const char* res = cryptfs_get_password(); if (res != nullptr) { *_aidl_return = res; } return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fdeClearPassword() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; cryptfs_clear_password(); return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fbeEnable() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_initialize_global_de()); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::mountDefaultEncrypted() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; if (e4crypt_is_native()) { return translateBool(e4crypt_mount_metadata_encrypted()); } else { // Spawn as thread so init can issue commands back to vold without // causing deadlock, usually as a result of prep_data_fs. std::thread(&cryptfs_mount_default_encrypted).detach(); return ok(); } } binder::Status VoldNativeService::initUser0() { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_init_user0()); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::isConvertibleToFbe(bool* _aidl_return) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; *_aidl_return = cryptfs_isConvertibleToFBE() != 0; return ok(); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::createUserKey(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, bool ephemeral) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_vold_create_user_key(userId, userSerial, ephemeral)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::destroyUserKey(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_destroy_user_key(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::addUserKeyAuth(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, const std::string& token, const std::string& secret) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_add_user_key_auth(userId, userSerial, token, secret)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::fixateNewestUserKeyAuth(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_fixate_newest_user_key_auth(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::unlockUserKey(int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, const std::string& token, const std::string& secret) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_unlock_user_key(userId, userSerial, token, secret)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::lockUserKey(int32_t userId) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_lock_user_key(userId)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::prepareUserStorage(const std::unique_ptr& uuid, int32_t userId, int32_t userSerial, int32_t flags) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); std::string empty_string = ""; auto uuid_ = uuid ? *uuid : empty_string; CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(uuid_); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_prepare_user_storage(uuid_, userId, userSerial, flags)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::destroyUserStorage(const std::unique_ptr& uuid, int32_t userId, int32_t flags) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); std::string empty_string = ""; auto uuid_ = uuid ? *uuid : empty_string; CHECK_ARGUMENT_HEX(uuid_); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_destroy_user_storage(uuid_, userId, flags)); } binder::Status VoldNativeService::secdiscard(const std::string& path) { ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM); CHECK_ARGUMENT_PATH(path); ACQUIRE_CRYPT_LOCK; return translateBool(e4crypt_secdiscard(path)); } } // namespace vold } // namespace android