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692 B

ifeq ($(WITH_GMS),true)
ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_TV),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms-tv/products/
else ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_CAR),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms-car/products/
else ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_FI),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms/products/
else ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_GO),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms/products/
else ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_GO_2GB),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms/products/
else ifeq ($(WITH_GMS_MINIMAL),true)
$(call inherit-product, vendor/partner_gms/products/
$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/partner_gms/products/