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2 years ago
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2 years ago
## Jetzt
- The website for my IT services is online: [](
- I started the app project [MDEditor]( for having a stressless and lean editor. It can push directly to [ghost]( CMS.
- I successfully finished the Android App developers course at [SGD]( Some of the apps I wrote as excercizes were:
- An [android layout demonstrator](
- A GIS and database demonstrator: [geonotes](
- A [weatherapp]( as demonstrator for android fragments UI, REST-API access and server setup with spring boot.
2 years ago
- Ich verkaufe [upgecyclete Smartphones](
- For that I create a [lineageos distribution](
- I studierte [ökologische Landwirtschaft an der Uni Kassel](
- I hatte ziemlich [harte Kritik](/texts/Resümee.pdf) zuletzt
2 years ago
- I wrote a bachelor thesis about [a Conceptual model of Solawi](/texts/conceptual_model_web.pdf) using the valueflows ontology
2 years ago
- Ich untersuchte verschiedene brauchbare [Ontologien im Solawi Kontext](/texts/ontologien.pdf). Namely MAP-SSE, XBRL,, OFDP, Valeflows and DataFoodConsortium
- Ich erforschte [verschiedene Tools für regionalen Lebensmittelabsatz](/texts/digital_gründen.pdf). This were OpenFoodNetwork, FoodCoopShop and FoodSoft
- I did some coding in Python for the agricultural engineering department
- On recording and and calulating a FFT on a SBC:
- On displaying data on an SBC with small display or with large screen with Qt:
2 years ago
- Ich machte eine Präsentation über den [erwerbsmäßigen Anbau von Rhabarber](/texts/rhubarb.pdf)
- Sowie eine [Präsentation über Pilzproduktion im handwerklichen Maßstab](/texts/Pilz_Präsi.pdf)
- Mit einer Projektgruppe machten wir einen [Überblick über den aktuellen Stand von Solawi](/texts/projektarbeit_csa.pdf) in 2015
2 years ago
- I coordinated the [Solid Base Erasmus+ project]( for the german [CSA Network](
2 years ago
- We wrote a multi language book on running CSA sustainably. I was responsible for the part about IT. [en](/texts/solidbase_booklet_en.pdf), [de](/texts/solidbase_booklet_de.pdf), [fr](/texts/solidbase_booklet_fr.pdf), [cs](/texts/solidbase_booklet_cs.pdf), [hu](/texts/solidbase_booklet_hu.pdf)
- And a trainers guide for the workshops. [en](/texts/solidbase_trainersguide_en.pdf), [de](/texts/solidbase_trainersguide_de.pdf)
2 years ago
- I also did a presentation about [appropriate technology in the CSA context]( for the [4th international CSA meeting in Thessaloniki](
- I wrote the [Solid Base app]( using
- [](
- [vue.js](
- and [hugo](
- With the whole consortium we conducted a [comprehensive survey on the current state of CSA sustainability](
- The IT part was distilled by me to a text of [software recommendations](/software-recommendations)
- and into a [presentation](
- I used to work with [ecobytes](
- Learnt some more about linux server administration using virtualization with docker and LXD and declarative configuration with docker-compose and ansible
2 years ago
- Ich arbeitete als Gärtner für die [Solawi Freudenthal](
- I explored the densities and edges of borderless life and cooperative economic forms in northern europe for several years.
- I fell in love with cycling and electronic dance music.
- I began to hack on my Amiga 500.
## Past