+++ title = "Past" menu = "main" +++ ## Present - I wrote a bachelor thesis about a [Conceptual model of Solawi](https://cld.freedomhost.de/index.php/s/FJF4iLFWFYbXrCB) using the valueflows ontology - This laid the foundation for growing interest in [valueflo.ws](https://valueflo.ws/). - For that I wrote the [Solid Base app](https://lab.allmende.io/solidbase/solidbase). - I coordinated the [Solid Base project](https://urgenci.net/?s=solidbase) for the german [CSA Network](https://www.solidarische-landwirtschaft.org/das-netzwerk/projekte/solid-base). - I used to work with [ecobytes](https://ecobytes.net). - I explored the densities and edges of borderless life and cooperative economic forms in northern europe for several years. - I fell in love with cycling and electronic dance music. - I began to hack on my Amiga 500. ## Past