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namespace FormGuide\Handlx;
use FormGuide\PHPFormValidator\FormValidator;
use PHPMailer;
use FormGuide\Handlx\Microtemplate;
use Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder;
* FormHandler
* A wrapper class that handles common form handling tasks
* - handles Form validations using PHPFormValidator class
* - sends email using PHPMailer
* - can handle captcha validation
* - can handle file uploads and attaching the upload to email
* ==== Sample usage ====
* $fh = FormHandler::create()->validate(function($validator)
* {
* $validator->fields(['name','email'])
* ->areRequired()->maxLength(50);
* $validator->field('email')->isEmail();
* })->useMailTemplate(__DIR__.'/templ/email.php')
* ->sendEmailTo('');
* $fh->process($_POST);
class FormHandler
private $emails;
public $validator;
private $mailer;
private $mail_template;
private $captcha;
private $attachments;
private $recaptcha;
public function __construct()
$this->emails = array();
$this->validator = FormValidator::create();
$this->mailer = new PHPMailer;
$this->mailer->Subject = "Contact Form Submission ";
$host = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])?$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']:'localhost';
$from_email ='forms@'.$host;
$this->mailer->setFrom($from_email,'Contact Form',false);
$this->captcha = false;
$this->attachments = [];
$this->recaptcha =null;
* sendEmailTo: add a recipient email address
* @param string/array $email_s one or more emails. If more than one emails, pass the emails as array
* @return The form handler object itself so that the methods can be chained
public function sendEmailTo($email_s)
$this->emails =array_merge($this->emails, $email_s);
$this->emails[] = $email_s;
return $this;
public function useMailTemplate($templ_path)
$this->mail_template = $templ_path;
return $this;
* [attachFiles find the file uplods and attach to the email]
* @param array $fields The array of field names
public function attachFiles($fields)
$this->attachments = array_merge($this->attachments, $fields);
return $this;
public function getRecipients()
return $this->emails;
* [validate add Validations. This function takes a call back function which receives the PHPFormValidator object]
* @param function $validator_fn The funtion gets a validator parameter using which, you can add validations
public function validate($validator_fn)
return $this;
public function requireReCaptcha($config_fn=null)
$this->recaptcha = new ReCaptchaValidator();
return $this;
public function getReCaptcha()
return $this->recaptcha;
public function requireCaptcha($enable=true)
$this->captcha = $enable;
return $this;
public function getValidator()
return $this->validator;
public function configMailer($mailconfig_fn)
return $this;
public function getMailer()
return $this->mailer;
public static function create()
return new FormHandler();
public function process($post_data)
if($this->captcha === true)
$res = $this->validate_captcha($post_data);
if($res !== true)
return $res;
if($this->recaptcha !== null &&
if($this->recaptcha->validate() !== true)
return json_encode([
'errors'=>['captcha'=>'ReCaptcha Validation Failed.']
//if(false == $this->validator->test($post_data))
return json_encode([
'errors'=>$this->validator->getErrors(/*associative*/ true)
foreach($this->emails as $email)
return json_encode([
'errors'=> ['mail'=> $this->mailer->ErrorInfo]
return json_encode(['result'=>'success']);
private function validate_captcha($post)
return json_encode([
'errors'=>['captcha'=>'Captcha code not entered']
$usercaptcha = trim($post['captcha']);
if($_SESSION['user_phrase'] !== $usercaptcha)
return json_encode([
'errors'=>['captcha'=>'Captcha code does not match']
return true;
private function attach_files()
foreach($this->attachments as $file_field)
if (!array_key_exists($file_field, $_FILES))
$filename = $_FILES[$file_field]['name'];
$uploadfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), sha1($filename));
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$file_field]['tmp_name'],
$this->mailer->addAttachment($uploadfile, $filename);
private function compose_mail($post)
$content = "Form submission: \n\n";
foreach($post as $name=>$value)
$content .= ucwords($name).":\n";
$content .= "$value\n\n";
$this->mailer->Body = $content;